originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Edited by shadowreaver: 12/8/2014 1:52:27 PMHey looking for team to run with anyone able to help? k_r_oats is the gamer tag
Gatekeeper, hard, one spot, lvl 30 only.
I got a Templar checkpoint for hard mode need 4 players with weapons maxed out and high level of experience .. Preferably 30
Level 29 hunter on Atheon check point Add me Psn joedagreat1
Need 2 more for gatekeeper check on hard add kurutie a.s.a.p
Looking for 4, gatekeeper checkpoint on hard. Starting soon as possible.
Level 29 warlock. At Templar cp. Need help. Message/add chickensnack1.
Going to run Atheon hard mode cp are there any lvl 30's that will help me finish it need 5
Need three more people to the the raid with already three level 29 need some more help at the Templar part ps4 only
My friend (flameking91) and I (Ichicooch) want to do a fresh hard VoG run. We are both level 29, I being a hunter, and him being a warlock. message me if you're interested.
Lookin for 1 for fresh run. Psn Rolfolgar
Level 29 sunslinger with experience and raid weapons looking for hard mode run. Either fresh or oracles CP. Add cluke66214
Atheon need one more level 30 psn derekd77 send request
Aetheon need 2 more level 30 psn derekd77 send request
lvl 29 Titan looking to do fresh VOG. preferably on hard. PS4: jothmar4000
Doing the raid on hard new a few more people to do it ps4 only
LF VOG hard group
Templar need 4 psn derekd77 send request
Edited by Death: 12/7/2014 9:48:59 PMI have the templar save on hard need a group I'm a level 29 hunter
Need 3 templar checkpoint
Need two lvl 30's for Atheon cp hard mode ps4 Nelly_P84
2 lvl 29 warlocks sunsinger looking for 4 lvl 30's at gatekeeper checkpoint. Psn Reikendo
Need 3 conflux psn derekd77 send request
Lvl29 hunter Hard raid at gatekeeper CP add me psn:slowmoslug
Lvl 29 hunter looking to do fresh hard raid never done before add/msg me jhowie22
Need 1 more level 30 for Atheon CP on hard. Ready to go now. Add: Azrael_689