originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Need a player? 29 warlock add me Psn-battosi
Already have 3 level 30s need 3 more experienced players 29+ PSN GeorgeGrant69
Lvl 30 warlock looking to do fresh hard vog run add me
Looking for a raid group VOG normal zach_ster_24
Lvl 29 Warlock I have exp, max VoC, mic lfg add Nefarius_666
Lvl 29 titan looking for raid. Tag: iki0307
Need 2 for reg raid
need 4 level 30s for vog hard fresh run
Need team for hard raid, lvl 30 titan ps4
Fresh Hard VoG run lFG lvl 29 Hunter add me on ps4 rebelsniper482
Hard raid with three open slots I'm a 29 warlock and my psn is EGN_MysticWaffle
Anyone need help with Atheon? I have maxed icebreaker. Ajames1395. Hard mode please.
Titan lvl30 of vog wwwwww7213 ps4
29 warlock looking to do fresh start vog norm need 5 more. jus add iSmoke_420 Must add me and ill invite
Lvl 30 titan looking to do hard raid. Add me if your up for it
I need 4 30's for a hard raid run VOG
Anyone looking for another player for vog hard 29 hunter ran before add please jhowie22
Edited by jhowie22: 12/10/2014 5:20:50 AM
Level 30 to help with VOG run Prefer hard mode aaronDPT
Need 4 more lvl 29 and up for vog hard. Msg psn PHNTM Kaitou
Looking for 3 more guardians to do Hard VOG. PSN: AdepT-Diablo
Need to run my 29 through the Atheon cp before reset. If anyone wants to help, add me: BoomTatTat
Need 5 for atheon cp on hard. Level 29 Titan with raid gear and weapons
Need four for raid fresh or I have templar checkpoint add jhowie22
29 lock have atheon check point need it done I'm really experienced I have to other 30s just trying to finish on the guy before reset max guns of course also max gjallarhorn!!!
If anyone wants on our group for the dark below at launch, add me and I'll respond 30 min before launch. Already have a start of a great group of 30s! Let's work on Croats end !