originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
I just bought a ps4 with destiny I still haven't played a raid on it because all my friends are on the 3 let me know if you ever need 1 person im about to be rank 29 and I have a mic boe7121991 is my psn
Edited by QuackyPoo: 12/13/2014 12:25:36 AMVOG hard PSN:Quacky_Poo one slot left.
Lvl 29 sunsinger for hard VOG, I have almost 300 attack void weapons, gamer tag is UHSKID Ps4
Help anybody with the thorn bounty last part Zach_ster_24
Running hard raid on VoG. Add Flow-Unstablee. Please be experienced.
lvl 30 lfg Atheon
Two 30's with experience and weapons looking to start a fresh VoG on hard. Add me: BoomTatTat
lvl 30 Warlock looking for Atheon
Hey trying to start up a fireteam that will help me with VoG on hard. Must be lvl 29+ and have experience. PSN friend me Allavon
looking to start up a hard raid on PS4, need 4 , PSN urotus4
HUNTER 28 Looking for group to do vog HARD add YOUSSEF_MEKKAWY1
Hunter and Titan Looking for group to do vog Normal add jameollerton asap
Looking for vog fresh start plz help add TruKrew90 on ps4
Edited by SirDrumsalot3: 12/12/2014 7:36:15 AMReally want to get the hard VOG done tonight! I had a group but everybody had to go to bed! I'm a level 30 Warlock, want other 30's to just get it done quick if anybody is still awake!
level 31 VOG hard
If anyone wants to run vog hard or normal right now add me
Edited by Fluffy0107: 12/12/2014 4:21:12 AMNeed 1 30 for fresh vog hard run. Psn Fluffy0107
New raid fresh start 40s and up add me ghost_ervin9 lets do this bit*hs
Anyone down to do vog raid or weekly heroic plz help add TruKrew90 on ps4
Croats End Crota checkpoint Add Yaboimack1 LVL 30 please
Looking for 31 for the new raid. We are at the OART before we reach Crota. Add me if you meet the requirements. Thanks!
Edited by NonstopPanda102: 12/12/2014 2:06:44 AMCroats end Crota checkpoint add NonStopPanda102 30 min
VoG level 30 hunter psn: TerroristAndrew
Level 30 warlock keen to do raid add me