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10/12/2014 11:39:38 PM

Give Me A F**king Break

All I hear is stupid complaints like "oh my god, this gun is soo over powered!" Or "destiny sucks cause i dont have the best titan ever." And the most common comment i hear is "destiny needs to come out with expansion packs everyday cause i get too bored with griding out the same old missions". Well guess what community?! Stop complaining! The game has only been out for a month! Its not gonna be perfect. BUNGIE is trying their best to work on this game and make it so everyone is happy. Im tired of hearing you guys tear BUNGIE a new a** hole everyday, talking about how they need to make new dlc every 3 hours cause you get too bored. Yea, in some points i agree, like the PvP needs some help but i still play it. At least its not as bad as Call of Duty: Ghosts! The community needs to have some faith in the game. None of you have said anything positive about Destiny. Everybody just complains about the smallest things that dont even really matter. They're budget is big and they want to grow the game slowly not all at once. At least they come out with the dlc that they promise, unlike GTA 5.. But what i think is ruining the game is the bad aditudes of the community and the players that dont realize the game isnt going to be perfect whithin the first month. It still has a long way to go, try to enjoy the ride. I can understand telling them what you dont like because this is the "feedback" section but everybody is complaining about the stupidest sh*t. Theres always going to be something you dont like or that you want to fix but you're job is to be a constructive critic, its not to say "oh destiny sucks, im giving up on the game already!" Give the game a break. And if you dont like the game, dont bi*ch about it, play something else. It's not BUNGIE's fault the community isnt supportive. They're trying their best to make Destiny a better game.

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