I think we've all dealt with the stupidity of rng in the crucible, and with the iron banner out, there is another few potential legendary items that can be dropped, one of which being the timur's lash. I already have two of them, and I don't really play all that much, while there are probably others who play all day, get top scores, and haven't even seen it drop. My first drop, I was top of the leaderboard, and that gave me a little hope for iron banner, having the whole "performance is required to get gear" mind-set. The next drop, I was in fourth place. Not only does this take away from the satisfaction of being lucky enough to have the gun, but also takes away the incentive to try to be the best in the iron banner (just like the regular crucible…).
I personally think that there should be at the very least, to have to be at the top of the leaderboard. If this gets implemented into the next iron banner week, there won't be casuals like me running around with multiples.
I haven't received a single iron banner drop, and infact, of all the games in which I've been on the winning team, I've only even seen one drop total. It's really aggrivating to have been in the top 2 players several games in a row with no rewards.