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10/12/2014 3:04:06 PM
yeah i have personally played as all 3 classes at lvl 28-30 hunter sucks at pvp-pve Only useful skill in pvp and pve is invisibility which is alright but you can still be seen if your dumb. both supers for each skill tree take skill, and you have to proc it for 5 secs before it can be used. verry bad if your trying to kill someone right there. are completely skill wise useless in pve. enough said. do not got a shield in pvp no idea what idiot said that, i am a reguler in crucible. the only ones with shields are warlocks and titans. Titan.... shild up? fk run!!! bonus atk shild? fk 2 shot them in head or run! super? charges xstremly fast because of other skills combined! mass aoe atk. 1 hit punchs.. Great PVE-PVP wise. dose not take a pro to use. my little 9 year old brother even gets 30+ kills a match with them easy. Warlock zzzz complete BS in PVP more so then titans. very good for PVE Mass Aoe skills. Heat seeking 1 hit kill gernade. mass 30 second aoe just siting there and lasts for ever rofl. get caught in it? well your stuck there hard to jump or get away from it!!! once caught! Revive after die? well shit i just kild this guy? bam o shit now im dead? wtf hapend? then the shield proc skill? yes i almost got you!! bam wtf you got full health and shield now? fk im so dead!! combined that with the fk heal gun yup!! your ass is -blam!-ed going against warlock if your not extremely careful especially as hunter. Xstremly easy to get the kills in arena. Only reason any warlock or titan dies a lot is because their Noobs rushing into mas mobs.. even then they can still get kills while doing it. If you have not played all classes to their max or your a complete Noob who cant keep a good KDR keep your traps shut.

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