Or at least what it feels like when I see my whole team get Arc Bladed lol
Kudos to anyone who actually knows what game that's from.
Kudos for anyone who recognizes CoD?
Oh no! Don't talk about how imba the class is! Think of all the butthurt brainless kids who think they are cool will feel if they lose this concept of superiority from their lives!
Hunters are overpowered. How long before Bungie finally Nerfs them? Never, because there are too many who rolled Hunter opposing this in the community.
Lol Favela
Yeah i like the bladedancers they are fine for me as it is not easy to kill them but fun ^^ Bladedancers worst enemy is Invective as this shotgun is able to kill them easely in a one vs one fight each other auto-shotgun should be fine too with enough clipsize ;) It is also possible to get a bladedancer with meleeattacks such as a sunsinger warlocks one best in combination with strong firepower before. Icebreaker is also a possibility if the bladedancer needs to get near you as it has the highest damage per hit. 2 hits will end it if one is a headshot otherwise 2 and one melee XD the last opportunity besides supers are heavy weapons. Rocketlaunchers are hard to aim and u will need 2 hits as long as u don't have one with clustermodifications. A strong heavy machinegun is way better but dont use the big clipsize mashineguns they don't have enough firepower. so there should be one option to kil lbladedancers for every range to them ;) And yes i hate the one hit Titans melees much more than the bladedancers super :P
Edited by razordude: 10/13/2014 10:12:20 AMYou can avoid bladedancer and fist of havoc but in control many of the points are in enclosed areas which makes it difficult. And ok you can spread your team out but it takes longer to capture that way. Fist of havoc can also kill you if you're in mid air so jumping doesn't always help. The gunslinger hunter's super actually requires aiming.
Well. I'm a blade dancer. as soon as Im entering blade mode there are coming rockets/novabombs/fist of havocs and I'm killed instantly... How ever when a complete team is sitting at for example Zone B together with just auto rifles, they have to blame themself for being noobs... If you ask me the titans Fist Of Havoc is the most annoying one sinse he's almost immortal in mid air when he is about to ulti.... ( not saying it's the most overpowered sinse each ULTI is OPed somehow in their own way )
Yeah wow that is amazing, that game isn't as good as the first in that series.
call of duty and im a gunslinger because i hate playing the op bladedancer there should be like a 20% increase in damage taken so you actually have to think about when to use your special and not just run around the whole map killing everyone
Is this from Call of Juarez Bound in Blood?
The used to get me pretty bad but my ears are keen for their power up noise now, invective drops them very quickly if they ever make a beeline for me.
Who doesn't know mw2?
just started it xbox and ps can join and plezz join shud be getting an xbox one in a month so for now I'm on 360 my gamer tag is FALLEN TITAN 89 join my clan at http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/507749
Bladedancer should get half the armor buff they currently do then my plan C would kill them instantly :)
Disturbingly accurate
Yes, I do read the tags.
I think they are all op in they're own way BD is killed by shotty or any other super unfortunately with my connection I tend to lose gunfights using BD to often to Consider it Op but I have yet to kill any other player type during they're super animation
Got to me admit that made me lol :)
Edited by Borengar629: 10/13/2014 5:47:52 AMAcutally I think supers should be... super... otherwise they'd be called rather goods... And no, I don't play as a bladedancer.
Mw2 was probably my favorite game ever
Kudos for recognizing CoD. Are you kidding?
Edited by SoloPopo: 10/13/2014 7:04:52 AMWhat's so hilarious about all this Bladedancer whining is that it is actually much easier and safer to get kills with Golden Gun, and you don't need to be right up in their face to do it.
As a Blade Dancer I give two thumbs up.
I'm a hunter that uses arc blade and I found this hilarious lmao