Or at least what it feels like when I see my whole team get Arc Bladed lol
Kudos to anyone who actually knows what game that's from.
Lol I remember that pic mw2
Contrary to the popular belief, bladedancers do not gain any extra toughness with their super. Trust me, I know. They're just so fast that they're hard to hit.
That game is Modern Warfare 2.
A sniper headshot is still a one shot kill to the head.
Modern warfare 2...duh
Also commando pro in a nutshell.
Haha I know, the Commando lunge with the arc blade is [i]crazy[/i]. It's almost as annoying as the Warlock's Nova Bomb.
Wait, in the .gif it was a tactical knife, does this mean arc blade golden gun wombo combo!
Haha. I remember that map. Back when I wasn't sick to death of CoD.
Nailed it.
Holy shit man. Hahahahhahaah
Yeah that about sums it up.
It's not that it's OP. It's the broken melee system to which it makes it OP. Get rid of the auto melee or tone back the distance of melee while letting them take regular shot damage and it's fixed.
CoD: MW2. Looks exactly like the unmodded version of commando.
Oh I love this makes me laugh every time
Blade dancers can be killed pretty easily. Titan bubble shield is whats ridiculous.
I actually avoided a blade dancer by sorta hovering above him. It was a total accident, but hilarious.
How I wish blink strike actually went that far.
MW2 i miss thee <3
Nothings more op then titan smash u cant run from or los
Edited by CanisLupusKing: 10/16/2014 6:38:08 PM
Edited by BrthrhdOfSteel: 10/16/2014 6:28:32 PMlol, i loved to sit in that window. people would run down that alley like sheep lol fav map on that one