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Edited by KingKRule89: 10/12/2014 9:53:53 PM

Hunters require skill, everyone else is just playing easymode

Oh goodness where do I start? Im just gonna come out and say it... Everyone thats not a Hunter is playing a crutchweak casuals class. Locks and Titans will just try to knock us down, because they know they picked the easy mode classes. Like, lets look at everyones nades, Who has actual gernades that you have to connect with to get a kill? Everyone else has these massive AOE DOTS that you can just fire into that 1/4 of the map to get a kill. Who actually has to plan their supers with their massive WARMINDS? Who can most easily get wiped during their supers? The tally for eveyone else is 2 panic button supers (lol), A stupid easy to counter dance party, and a "I suck so hard I need a 2nd chance". And, whats this GARBAGE about Bladedancers needing a nerf because of a little damage resistance during their super animation? Everyother class has an actual -blam!-ing shield built in the class! Not to mention everyone gets the resistance, You just cant tell because you either get a shield from your super or you are using a panic button. Which two classes all have the OHKO melee attacks? Doesnt really matter cause Im use dancing around your clunky characters, stabbing and blasting your ass, shields or not. Bottom line, anyone crying for Hunter nerfs dont realise how pathetic and crutchweak they are, and are actually just getting wrecked by better skilled players. Hunters, lets keep using our heads and skills to make a joke out of classes so weak they need OHKOs and shields. Edit: This topic proves my point. Weak ass Tityans and Snoorelocks have to team up to counter these FACTS. While my fellow Hunters quietly "like" then watch yall get burned with one mans logic.

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  • Edited by juniorules: 10/12/2014 9:49:49 PM
    wtf the -blam!- man warlocks grenades suck balls u can't ever get kills with them and hunter don't plan their -blam!-en super they use them as -blam!-ing panic buttons to only difference is it required no skill from the hunter using blade special auto-aim does everything for u and the only difference between warlocks and titans panic button vs the hunters panic we manage to get one kill cause there is no point of saving it cause unless there in a group if 5 huddled together you only get get one kill so might as well waist it and I'm not complaining that they should be nerfed cause I can kill them easily I always save super for the hunter using his auto aim special and at least we have to aim.Hunter have the best gernade a in game a lot better then both warlock and Titan.titans have ohk for melee that's it warlocks don't have a ohk They have a two hit and the shield don't always go up and we -blam!-in die And release I remember titans and hunter player bitching about warlocks so stfu

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  • I would call you up on a few things and set the record straight but the fact is no one, no matter how hard they tried, could make you look like as much of a prat as you yourself have just achieved. I should congratulate you, but that would mean acknowledging you in an intellectual fashion. P.s. I really couldn't care about hunter blade dancer, no need for a reduction of ant kind. They keep things interesting. I just can't stand them,as a sniper class, with a shotgun. On the other hand I like my voidwalker setup, its the nice midway between skill and relying on my equipment.

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  • Edited by Mobius: 10/12/2014 9:37:33 PM
    it's not hard to spam your right bumper going down the hall and kill everything that's in your path. Everybody else's super is pretty much one and done with exception to hunters.

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  • I've been killed using arc blade trying to kill like 1-2 people before. And I kill hunters using it often. Actually I've killed more people that were using arc blade, than every other super combined. You just have to have good aim and quick reaction speed. It's probably the most squishy super. Fusion Rifles work the best against them. Adapt.... Don't complain because you use the same load out every game. -.-

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  • Edited by JDRman: 10/12/2014 9:15:12 PM
    I'm not entirely disagreeing with you, but there is no reason to get so upset, or to be so rude. The only reason it would bother you this much is if you're bad, or have no one to talk to IMO. EDIT: I recant everything, I just read those tags. Please excuse my rude words.

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    2 Replies
    • You're an idiot.

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    • I've heard whoever plays Hunter has auto-aim automatically downloaded and enabled, making them the most OP class.

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      2 Replies
      • My only problem with a hunter is the full health regeneration after each kill with blade dancing. It is a skillful super but I think a lot of people wouldn't have an issue with it if the health regen wasn't so easy to access. I've seen hunters just dash across the map slicing, eating bullets from multiple, accurate-shooting players and kill all four or five of them who are scattered around the map. The difference between the supers is simply the average. Titans and warlocks average 2-3 per super while (bladedancer) hunters average 4-5. That's a Huge difference consistently.

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        • Edited by Un1337ninj4: 10/12/2014 8:13:10 PM
          Please, while your post makes a few points the presentation is so brash it discredits the entire argument. Gunslingers require a high level of skill indeed as throwing knives are much harder to use than the other melee abilities and the grenades are comparatively harder to utilize fully (save for the Scatter which instead has a comparatively low effective damage cap as not all the nodes track a target post-detonation), I also see a lot of people saying it doesn't take skill to point the Golden Gun in a general direction, but considering the caster has to do this thrice for a single miss is an outright "Here's your advantage, let my soul dance a ritual of embarrassment." considering most Golden Gun activation situations require you to be near an area where the odds are not in your favor (2v1). This is why the "Panic Button Super" argument is consistently made. Bladedancers admittedly not so much, but to fully maximize their potential you have to master Blink which is insanely powerful and annoying but also quite clunky. I have played all three classes and have gotten them into the level 24+ range, the Striker class is very easy to utilize if you're not oblivious to situations you shouldn't be in in the first place. (3v1, just bail. Wait for your team or run, that Flashbang is quite usefull, especially in PvE.)

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        • I started as a hunter 2 days ago and I get whooped in crucible. It totally does require skill which i dont have

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        • Nice job hahaha

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        • Hahahaaha still people cannot read, good troll man i knew it was one as soon as i saw the classic class superiority troll and was reassured as soon as i saw the #. Well played well played indeed.

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          • Agreed

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          • Estas bien pendejo wey

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          • Lelelelelel nice troll

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          • Point one. The greandes: The vast majority in this game suck and each class has upto 1-3(max) grenades that are farily decent. So while most classes have crap grenades they all have atleast that one decent one. Point 2. Supers: Don't give me that "I have to plan my super out" bullshit. If you've ever played as a different class you reliaze that they only have 1 "panic" super. Warlocks have nova bomb, a cheap attack that is ussualy used to kill 1 enemy or counter a super, and same goes for the titan smash. But if you look at the warlocks sunsinger you see that while they get these huge buffs, you have to have skill to utilize this super. Then there is the titan's defender. W/ his power the only times he can get a kill is if some poor fool goes in to attack him alone w/ out a super. I mean defender is great for caping flags and doing various tactical actions, but by no means is this a pure offensive weapon like much of the other supers. Now Let us look upon your prefered class. The gunslinger does require some skill (by that I mean being a couple feet away and being able to aim a gun), but when you think about it this is just a slightly more dangerous 1 hit super than the other 2 classes first subclasses (asuming you are a decent shot anyways). But when it comes down to your bladedancer if somebody knows how to jump with that thing and if none of the enemies use a super against them it is close to impossible to beat them. I primarily play with a defender titan and the only time I am able to kill them is if I am lucky enough to go up against an artard who comes straight into my bubble and allows me to shotgun melee him, but if he jumps into my bubble and attacks I am screwed due the fact that it is hard to target a jumping enemy with the current sensitivity. Point 3. Your narrow mindedness: It is quite pathetic how narrow minded you are. Just because you have a favorite class does not make it any better than the other guy's prefered class. Each has it's ups and its downs but all in all everything is just so weirdly balanced nothing is "really" OP. It's all just a battle of the gods.

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            3 Replies
            • This is a joke. Right?

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            • Hunter 4 lif

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            • Rofl dude you gotta quit this is to funny your joking right? Right?!? You gotta tell me your joking

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              2 Replies
              • You have a 1.09 KD in clash and a 1.01 in control. Your argument is invalid. You suck. Sunsinger I would say requires the most skill to do well with. The super is probably the weakest, where arc blade is the strongest by far. And we don't have the agility like the hunter, nor the armor of the titan. We have recovery, which doesn't help is during the fight, but after. Hunters think they are so cool. So good. Most of them if they played as a different class, would suck.

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              • #adorabletroll

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              • Sounds like the rankings of a 15 year old.....

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              • Hostility aside. I agree. The one hit melee kills on other classes really upsets me.

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              • Of course that's why people specifically ask for no hunters when doing VoG I've seen posts where people are looking for VoG team and requirements go like this 26+ Must have mic Must not be hunter

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                4 Replies
                • I've been a hunter for a while. Liked it, but Titans fit my playstyle much more.

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                • Calm down dude. Don't feed the troll.

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