Yes and next weeks night fall will have the fireburn modifier so fire weapons will dominate. Based off the past nightfalls my guess is it will be sepiks prime again.
Does it go in a pattern, I figured out the other day that xur comes in a pattern, next week he will be somewhere around the ship hanger
Yeah it's a pattern, it's gone in order of arc, void, fire, arc, and this week was void except the twist with the nightfall having all three modifiers active.
Thnx, ure a legend
Watch it have no burn modifier
Every weekly and nightfall so far has had a modifier, 1st week was arc, 2nd was void, 3rd was fire, 4th was arc, and this weeks weekly was void and the nightfall was all 3. If the pattern continues next week will be fire.
No no, The mars mission for weekly didnt have a modifier, Only the nightfall did