A very versatile sniper rifle. I use it in everything. Strikes, Nightfall, the Raid, and the Crucible. You can Gear it for stability or pack it full of ammo. You can also put some nice sights on it. You can use the High powered Hawkeye, or the short to mid range Ambush to surprise people in any doorway. If you have it then it is worth using and getting to know it better.
I think I got mine from an Engram so it may have different abilities. Mines got Take a Knee (Accuracy when crouched), Skip Rounds, and Life Support (Recovering from near death grants ammo and reload speed) Mine is kind of "Meh" I think. Did you buy it from a Vendor?
Oh... yeah . The Vanguard Vendor one has some nicer abilities. The Vendor one is well worth the marks.
Ill check it out!