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10/10/2014 7:19:00 PM
This is courtesy of hempiestad over on reddit. The format of the Grimore card quote is similar to a sitrep (situation report)in the military (US). V113NNI070XMX001 = date time group of message I am not going to try to figure this DTG out but if anyone wants to try here is a link explaining the current military DTG: SECRET= classification HADAL= defined as: of, relating to, or being the parts of the ocean below 6000 meters (about 20,000 feet); being paired with a classification I think this can be translated as "top secret" INSTANT = type of message, guessing like out text message system used in blue force trackers currently AI-COM/RSPN= the sender, communication from RASPUTIN AI Warmind SOLSECCENT= is the recipient; using the modern abbreviations such as SOCCENT for Special Operations Command Center I am guessing this means Solar Security Center. SxISR=This is what the message is Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance report; not sure on the Sx part. maybe the type of asset, sensors? DEEPSPACE= Location reported from CONTACT CONTACT CONTACT= Current activity TRANSIENT, NULLSOURCE, NULLTYPE= These should be descriptors for what is being observed, these entries inform us the contact was new with unknown elements This is a SKYSHOCK ALERT= network wide alert aka threat con warning level Multiple distributed ISR assets.= basically intelligence assets in multiple locations reporting the same thing TRANSIENT NEAR EXTRASOLAR EVENT= science terms, triggering event of report Source blueshift suggests IMMINENT SOLAR ENTRY= science terms, threat is imminent Promote event to SKYSHOCK: OCP: EXTINCTION=This I think the the threat level; whatever is coming is coming to wipe us out Activate VOLUSPA= mast likely a event activate battle plan; we have these for most contingencies ie operation 'glowing bass' is threats target nuclear sites in Illinois Activate YUGA= same as above Cauterize public sources to SECURE ISIS and harden for defensive action.= Bitmap Frogs posted a thread @ that pretty much got this right, he speculates SECURE ISIS means protect the traveler and I am inclined to agree.Cauterize public sources and harden for defensive action are just directive to restrict transportation and public access around the traveler and improve fortifications there for defensive action. I am invoking CARRHAE WHITE and assuming control of solar defenses.= Rasputin taking command and control to direct defensive efforts. STOP STOP STOP= end of message V113NNI070XMX091= DTG again I hope this may help. I read some posts of people saying this was some hint that the rasputin is evil, when all this really is, is a report saying were under attack. Edit1: summary from /U/ledivin <timestamp> TOP SECRET MESSAGE from Rasputin to SOLSECCENT (some sort of operations center) from DEEPSPACE: CONTACT WITH UNKNOWN ENTITIES. This is a network-wide alert. Multiple distributed Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance assets report a moving phenomenon just outside the solar system. Threat is imminent. Promote event to THREAT-LEVEL: Possible extinction. Activate <VOLUSPA: some battle plan>. Activate <YUGA: some battle plan>. Restrict transportation and public access, secure the Traveller. I am taking command and control of defensive efforts. <End message> <timestamp>

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  • Question.. I was ghost searching the other day and found the one on earth in the grottos, was right next to a bunker entrance that looked like the one for Rasputin, future DLC area? Any ideas what's in there? Any idea of why the grottos actually exist at all in the game?

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  • Edited by Rage7268: 10/21/2014 2:13:38 AM
    Read this: I was looking up OCP and found this. OCP is mentioned in the Ras grim card, it basically means we're facing a problem we'd never even thought about and have no preparations for. OCP, or Outside Context Problem was coined by the late, great Ian M Banks for his novel Excession. It pretty fair to say that Excession is in part the inspiration for the story of Destiny. The 'Excession' in the novel is a black sphere that appears to The Culture, (read humanity), and is its OCP. Ring any bells? A starship that has on board thousands of sleeping humans in cryo sleep is controlled by a vastly intelligent AI, (called a mind in the book). To save itself from the Excession trying to destroy it, the AI sends a copy of its personality to the Excession, which stops it and it leaves. ...parallels abound... Also: the "secure ISIS" got me thinking too. The military sometimes have a habit of giving long and descriptive names to things that really don't need them. Like an assault rifle could be 'Integrated Reloadable Ballistics Delivery Device' etc. Check this out and see what you guys think:

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  • Edited by vetVengeance: 2/15/2015 7:52:10 PM

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  • Lol thanks for sharing your research.

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  • Edited by MajorZipf: 10/20/2014 11:24:37 PM
    [spoiler]In the Ghost Fragment Legends 2 it says The Nine are [b]warminds[/b] (Rasputin) from deep orbit who "whethered the Collapse in hardened stealth platforms". And that they arrived in a mysterious transmissions from the "Corona-Borealis" supercluster. It also says they are Ghosts, the Awoken, AND aspects of the Darkness. Also, it says it is a viral language of pure meaning (Vex, writing themselves into the very fabric of reality?). AND! They made a compact with an alien force to ensure their own survival. [/spoiler] Thoughts?

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  • RAS is an Erath warmind...When he spread himself through the solar system I believe he has a plan to awaken other warminds. Also ps player will get to do a strike that takes us to the RAS bunker. Info will soon be spreading like wild fire.

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  • Edited by john_poops: 11/6/2014 7:09:59 PM
    As always, Bungie has to be unique.... Original thought is below, but here is my update: I have thought for weeks why the location would be in Greenland, instead of Russia. That just didn't make sense to me considering the Fallen can hack the Warminds and every part of the Earth besides the last city should be overrun with Fallen/Hive. SO, I changed the part of this DTG which doesn't match (NN) July 5, 19000-001 at 1:13AM/UTC+9 (Tiksi or Yakutsk, Russia) Of course with this, the NN does not fit. It is no Roman Numeral that I know of, but when talking about roman numerals NN is used as a filler or example like this: (nn = 1000 × nn | nn = 100,000 × nn | nn = 1,000,000 × nn). The NN is probably related to the Time (1:13AM), but I can't verify that or what it means. Based on these two locations, I would assume that "Old Russia" is actually Tiksi. There are many shores along this city and the geography does match. The Tower and Last City are probably just south of Tiksi, maybe closer to Yakutsk? [b]Old Thought[/b] This is my thought: July 5, 19000-001 at 1:13AM/UTC-1 (which is Eastern Greenland, a town called [url=]Ittoqqortoormiit [/url]) V113NNI070XMX001 of course, does not follow the correct format. V, I believe is Roman Numeral (RN) Five 1:13 AM (N) {UTC-1} 070 Month, 7 July XMX (RN) 19000 (spec.) 001 (New Year, I'm assuming this is the time "After" meaning that they started a new year clock and this was the moment that the new time started) Something like the switch between BC and AD What I can't seem to figure out is the 'NI' in the middle. It's just out of place.

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  • You say that Rasputin was protecting the traveller.. yet on the travelers grimoire cards it says how all those knives stripped it of its flesh.. like aurora knives maybe? Perhaps what it refers to as IT is traveller itself?

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  • [quote]You say that Rasputin was protecting the traveller.. yet on the travelers grimoire cards it says how all those knives stripped it of its flesh.. like aurora knives maybe? Perhaps what it refers to as IT is traveller itself?[/quote] IT is the darkness. The traveler is the gardener. Quite obvious when the traveler has terraformed half the planets in the solar system.

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  • Thank you so much for your skillful decrypting of this! I was curious, so I looked up VOLUSPA and YUGA. My findings made me crazy, so I had to share! Voluspa is a Norse poem! It depicts the creation of the world and an ensuing a golden age in which a Deity (Traveller!) creates temples and tools and gold. But three giant "maidens" come and bring the golden age to an end. The Deity then creates Dwarves (Guardians) and such ensues an apocalypse in which many of the Norse gods (Warminds?) are killed. The poem predicts that a new world will rise from the ashes and again there will be a time of peace and prosperity. YUGA I find very interesting. It is the name of a cycle in Hindu philosophy. It is said that our universe is created and destroyed once every ~5 billion years! It is said to be one full day and night for Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. Brahma is also the progenitor of all humanity. During the Yuga, humans will start as being super intelligent, angelic beings with a 100, 000 year lifespan and slowly decile... until humans live for 20 years... but what about the intelligence, and the morality? What if the Hive, the Fallen, the Vex, the Cabal... are just other races that were visited by the traveller? Who had a golden age like us, faced a decline, and then went so low they were consumed by darkness to chase the being that once benefitted them? Will this happen to humanity too? What is the purpose of all this?! Is the traveller bad? So has this cycle happened to us before? Will we keep going through a cycle of Golden and Dark age, like day and night? Or is the cycle not one for humanity, but of every race the traveller visits? Did the Traveller create humanity, or even all life? Did Rasputin know this, and if so, how and who else? I'm so confused now! I hope I succeeded in thoroughly confusing other people too ;P I love you Bungie, this is amazing! Even if it makes my head hurt Take care guys! <3 Kitsune

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  • In another entry Rasputin mentions the titanomachy. This is from Greek mythology, and was the war in which the Olympians (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon etc) overthrew the Titans and Zeus' father, Cronos. Interestingly, Cronos' rule has also been referred to as a golden age in which there was endless peace, and no one wanted for anything.

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  • Since hearing the name fallen, I have believed that they were just like us. If anyone has had a golden age it would be the Fallen hint' the name "Fallen". They even have those big ol' purple thing that look like ghosts.

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  • I got peoplebumps reading the thing about Voluspa. Awesome thinking to Google that stuff.

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  • Great job Kitsune! I wonder if the Vex are trying to become one with the universe/time stream to prevent themselves from being wiped out? Because ultimately the rules of the universe would not change following a complete "reset" in a sense. So if they are intertwined with those laws, they (or at least the power controlling the Vex) would live forever and guarantee survival; which in the end is all that matters.

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  • Thank you, Skry! : ) That's absolutely brilliant! I'm really curious about the Vex now, and what the Stranger knows! Your theory also fits so well with the heart of the black garden, I just can't seem to piece it together... It seemed like the heart was in a pocket of time and space, on Mercury. And when we destroyed it, the pocket collapsed as well! The heart was also draining the traveller's power, or so we're told. But maybe that wasn't it's purpose, but a necessity for something else. And somebody or something turned Mercury into a giant machine... Could the heart have been their attempt to transcend time and space?

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  • What if the black garden was inside the traveler and the black heart was draining the traveler or was the core of the travel that was corrupted by the darkness...only speculation. There is proof that the black garden may have been inside the traveler, at least before they changed the story.

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  • [quote]What if the black garden was inside the traveler and the black heart was draining the traveler or was the core of the travel that was corrupted by the darkness...only speculation. There is proof that the black garden may have been inside the traveler, at least before they changed the story.[/quote] The black garden is in Mars.

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  • Edited by njl4515: 11/2/2014 2:52:08 AM
    No, the gate to the black garden is on Mars. The Black Garden itself is an area outside of known space and is timeless.

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  • No. To be more accurate, the Black Garden is on Mars, the thing is that the Black Garden with the Black Heart in it is located sometime in the future. Imagine time as a ribbon with past on one end and future on the other. The Vex basically snipped out a segment of time and stitched the remaining ends together. The removed portion is the Black Garden.

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  • No...that's only a vex war gate. The black garden could be anywhere and nowhere.

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  • It even says here it is on mars. Look what it says about the crucible map.

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  • The warp gate is on mars...we don't really know where the black garden the mission again.

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  • Even Bungie says the Black Garden is on mars, i dont need to play it again.

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  • The Black Garden is a location on Mars.[1] It is entered via a portal accessible only with the eye of a Vex Gate Lord. Upon first arriving, the Guardian's Ghost says that he cannot pinpoint their location in time or space.

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  • But, when you beat the mission the ghost does say "Huh, we're back on Mars now" when you are still in the heart of the black garden.

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