Pulled from other replies/threads I've made and posting ONE MORE TIME since we seem to have gotten your attention at least now. Please read and consider before the weekly update as I've found it echoes what many players are thinking of how Iron Banner has been handled.
Many ppl, myself included, are enjoying Destiny as much as possible. Before, when someone was complaining about this or that, I was quick to jump to Bungie's defense, due to the fact that I believed that many of the problems and complaints that Destiny got was due to mass over-hyping and bloated expectations, when in reality a lot of the things ppl expected were not realistic and the game was still young.
This perspective in mind, I tried my best to play off the lackluster events that Bungie has been having- Combined Arms (which is basically just Bastion and First Light played over and over again), Queen's Wrath (Story Missions with different modifiers and bounties with different objectives) and focus instead on the things that they were doing right- adding new games modes like Salvage (which I actually enjoy a lot) and end game like Vault of Glass, which at least poses some form of challenge and endgame to players and is its own unique piece of content unto itself (not some rehashed version of something we'd already been playing).
Now, granted that Iron Banner had a chance to hit the nail on the head and offer both a newer type of game mode, as well as offer a type of "end game" for pvpers, I, like many others was pretty excited about it. Its not so much the fact that the changes aren't exactly what we expected them to be, or that people are mad because they suck at pvp and wanted to lean on their higher levels/equipment to make up for their lack of skill.
Its that Bungie advertised one thing, and then gave us another. Not only that, but what they gave us is hardly any different from something we already had, and can even be argued to be worse.
How can it be seen as worse? Its pretty much just regular crucible BUT you are limited to playing ONLY CONTROL and ONLY the winning team can earn rep for the event. I like pvp as much as anyone, and I really don't mind the fact that only the winners are awarded... but looking beyond the surface of this game mode they should have realized that playing the same thing over and over again can get pretty stale, especially if its not the "new game mode" it was advertised to be. They also should have realized the amount of rage quit that would occur once people learned that only winners were awarded event rep and taken counter measures against it- either punishing quitters via a cooldown per quitting on purpose, a loss of rep or whatever. Or they could've even taken it the other way and just granted losers a much lower amount of event rep so they'd at least stick around. As it is, you rarely even see fully played or competitive iron banner matches, because people leave once they see that they are losing by a certain amount.
Ignoring the shattered expectations that people had that their gear would make more of a difference- or at least a more noticeable one- the mode itself is lazily made and lackluster. Would it have been so hard to make it the pvp equivalent of the strike playlist and just assign a random game type per match as opposed to having it being control over, and over, and over, and over again?
Why isn't the gear difference more noticeable? Wasn't that the whole schtick about Iron Banner? That was what got people excited. Sure, some because they'd get to roflstomp the unsuspecting noobs that dared to enter the mode despite it being what it was, but many others because it gave them a chance to see how much all their work and gear progression mattered.
It was the pvp equivalent of Vault of Glass and endgame is how I saw it. You didn't just go in there with sub par gear and guns blazing and expect to beat it. You worked to make sure you had the best possible equipment possible, and then combined that along with your own personal skill to beat it. You needed both together to triumph.
Thats exactly how I thought Iron Banner would be. A place for people who could take the equipment they'd worked so hard on and combine all of the skill and experience they'd grinded out in the various crucible modes and combine the two together to take Destiny PvP to a whole new level. It would be the ultimate mode and form of end-game pvp for those who loved the pvp aspect of the game more than the pve aspect, and who wanted to test themselves against players of higher calibur.It would give people who weren't as interested in doing Vault of Glass a reason to still go through gear progression and something to work towards. It'd give a whole new dimension to Destiny and possibly even make up for the lack of some key components that most other fps games have (leaderboards, ranking system, private matches etc). Hell it'd be something fun and new to do if anything and that can go a long way.
But alas... its none of those things. At its best, its simply "Control" awarding a new form of rep to buy things that weren't previously in game. At its worse well.. its simply control, with one team sitting there waiting for the time to run out because everyone has quit or players just not really touching the game mode at all because I mean.. playing the same thing over and over again no matter how much you like the game does get tired after awhile.
I really want to love Destiny. I try my hardest to and give it credit when I can. But some of the decisions here.. they just seem to lack any foresight and come off as lazy. Why even create "new modes" and advertise a difference when in reality its really just something we already had branded with a new name? Either Bungie must think players are stupid and that we won't notice that its the same thing or... they're just too lazy to actually put in work on newer content and do the minimum amount of work neccessary to claim that its "new".
Either way.. its not a good look. Its utterly disappointing how stale and boring Iron Banner is.. especially given all its potential and what it could've been...
Edited by MontiE1824: 10/9/2014 8:41:09 PMNot to be a dick but after everything that has happened since launch, were you actually surprised this game mode didn't deliver? Do you feel like you wasted all that time now? Should I be happier that I didn't spend all that time that you did because I can still compete in iron banner? Should I be mad and rant that because I have a life and a family that I can't play certain game modes that I payed for just like you? Questions man, questions. I'm not defending Bungie at all and understand your beef, it's wrong, very wrong what became of this entire game. I hope months down the road we will all forget about how Destiny started but it wouldn't surprise me if it never delivered a THE experience we all thought it would.
Very true. I understand why people are mad but I honestly just wanted them to get this one big thing right. Iron banner was so hyped to be a really big thing and a core concept of the game so I figured they'd at least do THIS right. Trying real hard to give them benefit of the doubt when I can. But this one is a big screw up. I was surprised because I didn't think they'd blatantly fail at something so crucial... Plenty of ppl I know that were using Iron Banner as the determining factor of whether to stay or go... Honestly it might really come down to what you just said.. if things are just gonna be like this with Bungie just throwing out whatever they can to try and keep us around then maybe it is time to accept that it just won't be the game we thought it'd be.
It is unfortunate. I logged into iron banner with a big smile expecting to get wrecked like it was nobodies business! Then I go on a killing spree of 16-0 in my second match and I was like, hmm, either in amazingly good all of a sudden, everyone in playing sucks ass at four levels above me, or this just isn't supposed to happen. It was weird but I'm glad I could compete in it. The people who have had more time, I get their complaint and understand their frustration. Iron banner could be a deal breaker for most but honestly the second time this rolls around it will be different. Either way, you're either going to roll with this game or you're going to trade it in for something else. I'm going to roll with it and expect the very least until they impress me. I have not been able to do the raid because of poor drops but I did get my first legendary chest piece today at lunch from iron banner. Still stuck at 24 though.
I really hope so man. It was a disappointment to me only because I was just craving that pvp end game. I'm pretty good at pvp and I enjoy it alot. My goal going into Iron Banner was to get my gear high enough to the point where I could at least hang with lvl 30s (im a 28) and it'd feel like most matches were winnable. After playing awhile I realized that there just isn't any difference and its even a far cry from what it was back during testing. VoG and stuff is nice but that only covered the pve section of the game, which honestly isn't really what I'm into. Would rather be up against living people testing my skill and having a good time. Grinded my ass off to get mats/upgrade materials just to find yeah.. I really didn't have to lol. But yes. Let's hope they can get this one right next time. They really need it with the lack of a leaderboard/rank system in game. Its really the only pseudo-end game pvp that they have. Til then its competing with ppl through destiny tracker i suppose lol
Didn't read, lmao!!
Man DeeJ this guy gets it(as do I he mirrors some of my own sentiments exactly). I love Bungie and have since Halo circa 2001, But your Bungies credibility with the community is fast fading. Right the ship now.
Well said good read
You need a tldr version
I'm trying to find one thats right but can't really do it -_-'. The problem is i'll have to leave something out n then deal with the wrath of ppl bringing up the crap I left out and its back to square one lol