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10/8/2014 10:02:30 PM

Final Fantasy VII HD Collection





NOTE: This is not a real item, just an idea I had that I wish was real. And I'm curious as to who else would love this. If Square Enix finally gave us a HD remake of Final Fantasy VII, would you buy it? But I'm not just talking some port with a quick visual paint job like the God of War games. I'm talking a complete overhaul, 1080p HD 60FPS. Plus replace the text bubbles with voice dialogue by the voice actors from Advent Children. Overhaul the combat system. My idea is on a grand scale. I'm not talking about just the first FFVII game. The collection would include Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus; all in HD. Along with Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. And a bust of either Sephiroth stabbing Aerith, or Cloud fighting Bahamut. What do y'all think?

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