I would have to agree, we waited for the beta, we waited for the story, yet where is it all, people have glitched to the so called "DLC" areas ... a patch for included story is much needed!!! Its to the point where my friend has to remind me with things we did in the story that actually made the story missions more memorable,... come on bungie make this fun game more memorable moments :D!!!
Have to agree I put it back on after a four day break and wondered what to do. Unless you want to do PVP there is no replay value to the game as the story just isn't there.
Even then PvP is still a little wacky... the thing im seriously still looking forward to is the raid, but then what? ... more PvP .. the game is hella fun but is it worth re playing the game as a different class?
There is no difference is classes really apart from the supers, so no not really.