I hope which ever designer thought it'd be cool for us to go run around the crucible killing with a void damage to get this revolver has a strong a beautiful family.
I hope he has a son that he's proud of and hopes to see grow and flourish into a proud young man with his entire life ahead of him.
And then I hope somebody kills that son with void damage.
One step closer to completing the bounty.
You think this is the hard part of the Thorn bounty?! Good luck killing Xylor....
Void damage machine gun dose the trick every time.
Edited by MrLeprechaun: 10/7/2014 4:05:52 PMI can't say I'm enjoying this part of the bounty but with 150 points left theres no turning back now, as it has forced me to figure out how to play crucible smartly(especialy with no communication in place). As much as I loathed crucible before I'm actually getting better at it.....On side note, giving me the Bad Juju bountie on a monday forcing me to wait the rest of the week to continue is a bit annoying.....
Easy. Void sniper and void heavy machine gun. Done in half hour and boosted my KD
Not that hard, I got it in around 7-8 games.
It gets better bro once you have it I'm sure u will love it I helped my friend get it about 2 weeks ago and he is still loving the hell out of it
I laughed at this cause I was the same way. Then I came on here and read everyone's reviews on it and said screw it. Remember if you don't have fun doing it then don't! Hold X to abandon!!
Stop crying you big baby.
I guess you could say this bounty is a... thorn in your side.
Killing xyor was easy enough. All you have to do is have one in the room away from the shrieker and two get the boss to 50% or lower health. Then kill the minions little by little and with the one person in the room you will just have to respawn and keep killing. When xyor is up and about go into the room where it is safe and let him come to you.
I'm expecting it to be easy. I'll play as my void walker, use the swarm and a void shotgun.
It's easy once you know how to work it. Your insults are unfound and uncalled for. My tactic was void shotgun camping points in control or caping heavy ammo for LMG with void damage. Camp, camp, camp. Remember it might take you a while (took me 2 hours or so), but as long as you have positive K/D ratio the number will keep on climbing.
I have done this bounty twice on my account and once on a friends account that doesn't pvp.
All I can say is keep trying. I was the same I hate normal crucible, but I just focused and got it done in a couple hours. Who knows Thorn might be amazing after the buff that are going to give it.
Atheon's Epilogue /thread
Edited by bussemand78: 10/7/2014 2:20:40 PMDo the bounty! I thought it sucked as well and it took me 3 hours, but then I realized that it helps you get better at pvp. I think that the idea of these bounties is to improve your skills and show people that they can get better at the various activities
just abandon the bounty. i quit mine because i dont like pvp Lord high fixer is a legendary handcannon that i love.. i probably choose that over thorn anyways.
Get really good with a void fusion rifle... . I am a hunter as well and it took me 8-10 matches to get it. "my void fusion was a green I bought from the gun Smith"
Just use the auto rifle from the raid, it has void damage easy.
If you're getting this pissed now, you are in for it on the last part. You will need good team members to help you out.
Um, follow UR dreams and not UR hopes?
just get a void sniper and camp, or a void shotty and camp, or a void fusion rifle and camp...LOLOLOL slow but sure to work
Edited by Executioner423: 10/7/2014 1:09:14 PMIt's not so bad, just tedious. FYI, for the last part be sure to have a solar dmg heavy weapon handy. If you have a Gjallahorn it's pretty easy, I think I killed Xyor in 3 shots with that beastly rocket launcher.
That part's ridiculously easy. Play control. Bust out a shotgun. Hang out by one of the control points. I can't find anyone to help me with the Summoning Pits on XB1.