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10/6/2014 9:44:47 PM
I completely disagree with the OP and his opinion that everyone will be better off with in-game trading enabled. It's not appropriate in this game, and in fact it invites a lot of problems we don't have to deal with at the moment. In the case of Destiny, the gear inventory is not nearly varied or large enough to even justify such a system, not to mention that there is no means currently to prevent a character who just made level 20 (which can be done in a day or two) from instantly becoming level 28 with a few pieces of traded armor. It's been discussed at length in numerous game design articles that statistically, players who feel entitled to have everything the game has to offer right away quickly become bored and leave the game if there is no sense of achievement behind acquiring said gear or level. In other words, it's not healthy for the game to allow players to get whatever they want. Furthermore, in-game economies can adversely affect the game experience itself through such practices as selling items/gear for real money, which invariably invites all manner of negative behaviors, such as scamming. This in turn increases the support costs for the game studio when they are required to address player submitted tickets for stolen items, investigating reports of criminal enterprise (e.g. someone selling their intellectual property for financial gain without consent) or player ToS/EULA violations (e.g. scamming), and then being forced to apply appropriate disciplinary measures against the accounts of those players. These are all problems (and costs) that Bungie and the players of this game fortunately do not have to deal with currently. Personally, I'd rather Bungie save that money and spend it on developing DLC and quality of life improvements. When you ask yourself what are you actually gaining through an in-game trading system in Destiny, the answer is convenience. It's convenient to trade those Warlock raid boots you got on your Titan for Titan raid boots some Warlock in your clan got. But there are better ways to address that if Bungie makes some smart changes to their RNG system, such as only awarding class specific gear in raids or from engrams. I'm far from alone when I say that I'd rather see them do something like that than implement a trade system that only ends up hurting what is an otherwise great game in need of a few minor changes.

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  • Its entirely appropriate because the amount of content thats available to progress from 20-28 is absurdly limited. I wouldn't even consider anything after the story missions actually progression as it is just a wall between you and the raid until the RNG system decides todays your day for an epic. An ingame econmoy never has negative affects on a community. People that want to trade items for items can still do this completely separated from any real money transfers as well as lazy people will likely be able to make purchases and eventually when they don't need the items any more... trade them off. And as for real money transfers... I don't see why bungie should even care its happening. None of the IP makes it out of the confines of bungies game, it'll never reach a point where bungie will lose money because of people selling their IP. In fact it will only make more money for them as well. Its also not bungies responsibility to care of someone loses an item. I've never played an mmo you could request an item back after a trade ... You could potentially just purchase a service for a bunch of high levels to run you through this high level content any way, so people can still make money from bungies IP if they really wanted to. Convenience is a huge thing, and I think theres a lot of things about this game that are super inconvenient. Even if you got an item that was for you class it still doesn't mean its useful, if its not helping any feed back loops or replacing any gear... it should be tradeable. For a game that relies heavily on itemization I think as much convenience and flexability with items is import, otherwise you'll widdle your player base down to super hardcore that think random drops is actually a meaningful thing. WoW's done terrible things to MMO games since the mentality now a days is to skip the actual game and play the end... a lot. Theres no point to a game like this to have an "endgame" and imo bungie was asking for the shit scores it got when they say things like, the real game doesn't start until 20 ... after you've played through 99% of the content. Endgame content is just a way of creating a bread crumb trail in circles until more substantial content can be released, and bungie forgot the more substantial content to begin with this time around.

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  • Edited by Mournblood: 10/8/2014 8:04:02 AM
    Rather than spend a lot of my precious time trying to explain how horribly misinformed the comments in your second paragraph are, I'll merely say this, you have no idea what you're talking about and have either never played another MMO style game as you claim, or you were completely oblivious to everything that transpired around you while you did. That said, I do agree with the points you made in your third paragraph, but again, Bungie can address most if not all of those issues with a smarter and more rewarding RNG system. An in-game trading system is not necessary to fix those issues and will only create new problems.

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  • You obviously didn't read the entire post

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  • Yes I did. Did you? I responded to his main point, which is really the only thing of substance worth responding to. The rest was extraneous or a completely separate issue (e.g. his point about grinding), most of which can be addressed by the solution I mentioned of adjusting the RNG system. At one point, he even mentions the problems with the RNG system, and then at another, he offers a thinly veiled threat that if Bungie doesn't make the changes HE thinks are in the best interests of the game, players will leave. Personally, I think he's presumptuous and short-sighted, and he certainly doesn't speak for me or any of my friends, but that's simply an opinion that's not worth debating. If you take a step back and think about the quality of life issues in this game (the things that are really inconvenient), there are far better ways to address that than by adding an in-game trading system which would undermine any sense of accomplishment in the game while simultaneously inviting every slimeball on XBL to pitch camp in the Tower to scam players and/or sell gear via Paypal. Everyone I play with, and most of the players commenting here have expressed the same sentiment - no thanks to a trading system. If you want in-game trading, go back to Defiance. I'm sure they could use some players right about now.

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  • Agreed, good post.

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  • Exactly.

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