did you actually read anything I wrote about playing with randoms or did you just skim read parts of the post to pacify your conscience about how you play.... ......this was about playing with randoms not about playing with your friends..... comprehension seems to be a skill most dont possess as is reading a coherant thought to some one elses post.....this whole topic was about playing with randoms... and my posts were in referance to douchetard saying he makes people play his way...... read before you leap butter cup most people read the entirety of a post before formulaying a opinion... missed the mark again butter cup... your banter is nil and void because we were talking about doing this with randoms and how randoms rush ahead with out thinking about the other team mates.
Edited by Dizzy: 3/30/2017 9:31:55 PM
Edited by XxVinylKittenxX: 10/6/2014 8:29:09 PMAGAIN missing the point... he said he forces others to play his way where I said that was fairly self centered since theres two other people with him.... when you play with 2 randoms your wants dont over ste[ who ever else is STUCK with you, I clean up after people that do that and in saying that I made the valid point of I dont leave because I didnt get my way.. I dont force any one to play my way Im considerate enough to watch what my team mates do..... notice the word considerate unlike cpt douchetard who makes people teleport to him so they are FORCED to play his way. . .... smh apparantly your not intelligent enough to grasp the reality thats being portrayed here on my posts regarding his statements or you wouldnt keep trying to make excuses for not only the way you play but for douchetard as well. so with that being said I leave this most mundane banter of semi half wits and wish you the best.
The fact is EVERYONE has a different playstyle. To expect people to play the exact same is stupid unless you're in a team and that works for you. He chose to go in and get 2 randoms, so why should he expect them to stay back and go at it slow when they could go through and finish it? If he doesn't want to be teleported half way through then maybe he should actually attempt the strike and do something? I get to the darkness area and kill more enemies than my teammates do 90% of the time AND still manage to stay in front of them. Rewards are random and not based on how many enemies you kill, so why should people sit back and kill enemies when they have the same chance of completing a strike and getting something along the way? 13 mins strike > 1 hour strike