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Clan Recruitment

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10/6/2014 2:05:07 PM

Become a Trouser Goblin today! (Xbox One clan recruiting)

Hello, Destiny players. Trouser Goblins is a new clan with players exclusively on the Xbox One. At the moment we're a few friends who play very well together, and we're looking to recruit new members to fold into our group. So, what should you expect if you become a Trouser Goblin? As our name implies, we don't take ourselves too seriously. We play the game to have fun together, and just happen to kick ass along the way because we're awesome. Our playstyle is primarily PvE at the moment, and we make sure to focus on laughing while slaughtering thousands of evil aliens. We're all either in college or working, so our playtimes are primarily on weekends or late in the evenings on weekdays. New players and veterans are all welcome. We have guides on our forums to help people out, and we can go through Strikes like a fat kid through cake. We're hoping to pull together enough people to beat the Vault of Glass. If this sounds like a group you'd like to be a part of, please consider our few requirements: -Words like shitbiscuits should make you giggle, not gasp -While vulgarity is welcome in small to medium sized doses, if you're filled with nothing but shitbiscuits, but take your excessive filth elsewhere. -If you hate Destiny then leave us alone. We hate your face. -If the majority of your time in the Crucible is spent cursing about the other team, we don't want you. We already have MrTriggerhappy, and we don't want another one. So, if after all that you'd like to apply please send me a message or post in this thread with something more than "i wan a invite". Make us want you back. View our clan's page here: [url][/url]

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