Really a month in and I see no reason why I am still getting disconnections and this issue has not been fixed. Today was centipede, several bee, a fly, several baboon, elk, and one I can't remember now. I seem to ony get a playable connection from around 10-11pm to 6-7am US time. Other than tht it is watching the "connecting to servers" as my warning I am about to get my current animal lesson. Really, it is _______ annoying. To me it is just negligence that this problem is even there. What did you have a beta for? Advertizing only?
Really, it should be changed to one animal, donkey since I feel like a jackass for buying this game. I am so sick of broken games on release.
Search through help tags "disconnect" "servers" "caterpillar" "Centipede" "error" etc. Literally thousands upon thousands of people having trouble. It's been a month.