So it's not okay to farm level 5s for legendaires but it's okay to grind newb strikes for exotics. This community can't make up it's mind
I don't care what anyone does but why waste your time on a tiger strike when you are trying to grind out 25 just run through them in 10-15 min at low level doesn't make sense not to.
When ya can do tiger strikes and have a chance at a better reward in 10min as well why waste time on newb strikes? It's not like it's week 1. We've seen these same 5 strikes to death.
Edited by Fingernageldreck: 10/5/2014 6:59:25 PMYep nothing new in these strikes and its amazing how much of it can be skipped. And if you really skip everything beside the boss or locked doors you end up with way more loot in the same time than killing trash mobs for hours or searching for enemies in every corner in a strike.
I think the same;p
This guy has a clue. I implore you to share it. Oh wait.. you just did.