Wait a second...underpowered ? Is this some trick to make it even more OP ? Srsly when you melee with it and make a tad jump you will auto-home in to nearest enemy target no matter how high the enemy target is. There's no freaking way to run away from it and when you activate arc blade you actually have a better damage resistance. Also you have a perk which gives you tactical long range advantages. Razors edge I think was the ranged arc blade attack, and you have the ability to turn invisible. Hard to shoot someone which you cannot see.
You have to be trolling to tell me it's ''underpowered''. I make chaos everytime I enter to arc blade mode. You know what needs a buff ? Golden gun. You can pull that thing out and you still receive 100% normal damage. Other classes have a damage mitigation when they activate their super, golden gun does not.
98% chance this is troll topic.
Lol'd so hard
one of the tags is #prank 100% chance troll topic