Hi there,
so my friends have finally got up to raid levels and we actually are on ready to go, but sadly a few of them can't make it. I would love to see the raid first hand we just need a few people. any raid level is good, it is on normal.
anyone willing to help us out.
I am on the xboxone
EDIT: team is full thanks for all the responses!
add me GT: Mr Beefycakes
GucciGetzlaf. I'm level 27 and willing to raid
kerrfaewishy lvl 29 titan
Inv me! Lvl 28 warlock VITO SHMETO
Thanks for the responses! We fpund two people and are currently playing.
Look at these responses! I hate when people cry saying no one responds to there lfm threads for raids.
I'm just about to have my dinner otherwise I would of helped you guys!
[quote]Hi there, so my friends have finally got up to raid levels and we actually are on ready to go, but sadly a few of them can't make it. I would love to see the raid first hand we just need a few people. any raid level is good, it is on normal. anyone willing to help us out. I am on the xboxone[/quote] Lv 27 hunter Blackout Lakai
DragonJLB LVL 28 Titan Xbox one , Good to go.
level 26 titan GT: Evil Monkey Boy