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10/4/2014 8:07:21 PM
Add this idea How to make leveling up more fun dynamic and unique. Buy, sell, trade, upgrade, loot, collect drops, fight, pillage, and patrol to level 30 rather than ascendant shard hunt every damn day. The plan: Patrol missions should yield more than just marks and we should be able to "farm with a purpose" ....Let me explain. One of the more interesting parts of any good MMO is the species and character specific drops. These drops are then used as special building items for special gear. I remember guild wars using the giant troll drops for very specific high rated armor. Without defeating the tough to beat trolls you didn't have the right parts to upgrade the armor. In Destiny This is very vaguely and basically set up through ascendant material and helium etc. but nobody enjoys loot hunting and ascendant shard hunting is repetitive. My idea: take the collection type patrol missions and allow us to keep what is dropped (coils etc) in order to upgrade a very specific upgrade on your armor. Or send us on a target patrol mission to collect a very rare item used for upgrading your sniper rifle. Or have each bounty yield something interesting needed to upgrade. The harder bounties yield better upgrade material. Vault of glass could also yield insane upgrade material or trading materials. I would love to have every patrol or mission or enemy yield something different that in itself is important to someone or something somewhere. This is already seen in the bounties for certain exotic weapons (collect 10 fusion rifle orb parts defeat 200 enemies in nightfall) Developing ways we can "go to work" to acquire things that aren't just purely random (blue drops and the chance at gaining ascendant shards) is a great way to make the game fun. The main point: I spent countless hours developing a farming technique to defeat those overpowered trolls in guild wars because I knew I could either sell the items for cash to buy better stuff or use them to make armor then sell the armor for other upgrade material, or upgrade armor and wear it myself. I went to work. I had tasks I made for myself. I had so many things to do because every enemy dropped something different and every task yielded something unique. I was able to level up in more than one way because I found ways around simply buying better armor. As it stands in destiny the only way possible to level up beyond 26 right now is through ascendant shards and simple loot hunta. We are being pigeon holed into one way of gaining levels and it feels repetitive and I feel forced to play by the rules. Giving us multiple tasks and multiple ways of upgrading our gear through patrols and bounties would make me feel less walled in. I want more to hunt for more reason to go out and defeat 1000000 vex. We could even use the gromoire ranks as an item counter. Each 10 kills of a hobgoblin would yield a single hobgoblin fusion core that is needed for your sniper. Defeating 3 walkers yields walker gears needed for your boots. Anyway these are my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

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