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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
Edited by DaKerrbare: 10/4/2014 7:27:25 PM
As much as I would absolutely LOVE for this to happen, it won't. Here's why: 1) Bungie is a business, and businesses need profit. DLC is additional incoming profit for the company, and ensures that there will be long-term players to keep the profits coming. The DLC sales that launched on release day is also a known profit-gimmick, and usually accounts to about half of all DLC purchases. 2) Due to laws associated with video games, it is really, REALLY hard to refund consumers for digital data. There are so many laws in place to even be able to trade in physical copies of games to prevent fraud and copyright issues. Without physical content, it's near-impossible to be able to return DLC. 3) The money you gave for the full game helped pay for all the people who worked on it. Granted, the ratio between the quality of the game versus what we paid for is /horribly/ skewed, it all comes down to the fact that there were people behind the game that did come out, and they ought to be compensated for their time. So if you're really not satisfied with the game, then I highly recommend trading it in so you don't have as much loss on it as you will in another month or two. Free DLC will just never happen. Now what /can/ be done is either consistent tweaks of maps through updates, or just bigger DLC that will fill in all the little gaps we need. For instance, in order to minimize putting players through non-stop runs of the same maps, the folks of Diablo III added different textures/weather mapping to the current maps to provide different experiences. This is easily something Bungie can do to cut down the feeling of repetitiveness at least a tiny bit more.

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  • 1. Bungie may be a "business" but their reputation is tarnished. That negatively affects their profitability. Free DLC to restore the story and for other things will go a long way towards repairing their reputation. 2. If games continue to do things like this, then it won't be long before laws are in place to keep things like this from happening. It's already happening in the UK and it's a scandal away from happening in the US. And it will happen because publishers have no restraint or self-control. 3. I'm sure that a lot of people put in a LOT of hard work to make this game happen. But as a consumer, that's none of my concern. I'm only concerned about getting a quality product that works as designed. Destiny fails that with its lack of story. And dissatisfied people who paid for this game with their own hard-earned money have a right to voice their displeasure. I see you assume Bungie automatically deserves the money it made, and that's FALSE. They have to EARN it. They don't earn it making contracts with publishers. They don't earn it pouring hours of labor into the game. They don't earn it it by releasing it en masse to the public. They earn it by having the masses completely satisfied with their product. And the masses are not satisfied. The community is split. And that'll hurt their future plans and profitability.

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  • Consider my replies as those of a devil's advocate here, rather than ultimately make assumptions. 1. Although free DLC is a quick and easy way of satisfying the masses, from a business perspective, that's a dumb decision. There's been plenty of other times where other companies had only 'tweaked' the actual game play experience via updates, and were successful (again, quote back to my DIII reference). DLC has been one of the biggest, sure ways that a company will continue to make a profit from a single title. They're simply not going to take that away. But I'd LOVE for them to prove me wrong. 2. Won't be long, sure , but we're talking about the present here. And presently, the only thing that can actually hurt Bungie is if either Activision or a giant number of consumers decide to place a class-action lawsuit against Bungie for false advertisement (aka. a misrepresentation of a product that negatively affects buyers/stocks). A perfect example of this was EA vs. Dice for Battlefield 4. That can still technically happen, but I doubt it will (nor am I implying that it should). 3. From a consumer's standpoint, I agree that we deserve a LOT more than what we received. But when you've spent $500 mil on a product that disappointed masses, I doubt that it's going to be really easy to come back financially. So, simply refunding everything and making it disappear won't make things better for either parties. Plenty of other companies have climbed back up from crappy decisions, without needing to return or refund purchases. If anything, what would make more sense is to cut down the price of the DLC significantly. Rather than it be $40, bring it back down to $15. It's not an argument of whether or not they deserve it either, nor am I standing 100% behind Bungie. It's the fact that they HAVE the money, and there's nothing to be done to get that back due to the obstacles I pointed out (and then some). That money is already well-spent and well-planned. It's going to go to Activision, to future projects/content, to employees, and more importantly, to the time it's taking for them to try and fix the current issues at hand /now/. So far, they've surprised us by moving up the hot fixes that they originally promised they'd fix in a few months. They listened to us, learned, and attempted to please us. I honestly don't think it'll stop there. If you would've asked me that about a week or so ago (just see my past posts), I'd be all for free DLC petitions. Yet, I've chosen to look at the bigger picture. This isn't a 'Ma and Pa' business that heavily depends upon reputation. Yes, it's definitely important to have that, but this game didn't really destroy them to the point of no recovery either. There's plenty of wiggle room to make things better, especially when we're barely a month into it.

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  • I will consider it. 1. Giving away freebies here and there is NEVER a dumb decision. It ensures customer loyalty and acts of goodwill may earn you new future customers. And when a reputation has been harmed like Bungie's have, that's steps you take to rebuild consumer trust, especially when you have a 10 year plan. 2. Actually, it was Battlefield 4 that made the UK government to make laws to protect digital customers. Of course, the current political climate in the US will not allow such a thing...for now. All it will take is a major scandal...and we inch towards that everyday. In the pursuit of profit, publishers shown little to no restraint and it will get worse. 3. While refunds should always be an option to consumers, I've never mentioned that. My point was to make amends with disappointed gamers. Sure they have the money now, but even that runs out. If they don't at least make an effort to get those customers back, they won't have money (or not as much to make the games they like to make). I never assumed you to be 100% loyal to Bungie, but your earlier post made it sound like they're above reproach or accountability because they've already sold their game. They're not. Even though the game is in our hands, Bungie still answers to us, especially if they want more money. They've made baby steps towards a corrective action, but much more needs to be made. It'll take more than a Cryptarch fix to placate the masses. They need to effectively and openly communicate to their fans. They need to address these issues and offer solutions. They need to SHOW (not tell) that they're actively listening. Sure, game development takes time and most understand that. That's why communication is so important. And a few freebies here and there will keep people still.

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  • I feel like using diablo 3 as an example is weak. I basically refused to buy a blizzard game due to how badly it was made. Ill borrow my friends copy now that its goid but they lost any future sales to me.

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