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Edited by ScottGallifrey: 11/24/2014 3:38:20 PM

Incredibly Awesome Stuff That We'd Like to See in Future DLC/Expansions/Installments [3650+ Votes So Far!]





Destiny doesn't need more things in it.


Just a list of suggestions that a friend ([url=]astrological123[/url]) and I came up with and/or saw on the forums. Note that we don't realistically expect for Bungie to see or consider these ideas, and these are merely our views on things that they could do to improve Destiny in the future. Also note that we absolutely love what this game is right now and we are not trying to say that this game is terrible by providing such a long list. I'll go into more detail if anything needs clarification. 1. Sparrow Races 2. More Sparrows 3. More Sparrow Stats (to make the sparrow races more enjoyable and more like a racing game) 4. More Class Items 5. Higher Character Customization 6. Unique Caves 7. Secret Bosses 8. Vanity Items for in the Tower 9. More Equippable Exotics 10. Player-designed items (Contests for designs every month?) 11. More Factions 12. Different Beginning Stories Varying by Race 13. Paying for Dance Lessons (Makes for more dances/getting to choose your dances) 14. More Easter-Eggs 15. Flying Ships Through Space (Optional, like what they did with Kingdom Hearts....but please, no gummi ships and trippy levels) 16. Offline Play 17. Player-Made Maps (Contests for designs every month?) 18. More NPCs 19. Clan Hangouts (Purchasable with HUGE amounts of glimmer.) 20. Alternating Public Events (Maybe three different public events per area?) 21. More Unique Ships 22. Metroid & Guardians of the Galaxy themed armour if at all possible (Highly doubt this will even be considered.) 23. Samus's Ship (Again, I don't expect this to be considered, but it'd still be awesome.) 24. More Random Vendors Like Xur 25. A Tower Library to Replace Grimoire Cards 26. Higher Level Cap (I'm talking crazy high. Like in the thousands.) 27. Higher Glimmer Cap (Again, much, much higher.) 28. Purchasable (with Glimmer, of course) Player Homes/Furniture 29. More Armour 30. More Weapons 31. Unique Areas to Explore Outside of Missions/Strikes/Raids 32. Higher Tier Items (Several higher tiers) 33. Some Sort of Crafting System 34. More Materials for Crafting System 35. Faction Stories (Why did you get rid of those?) 36. No More Grimoire Cards (Trust me, this enrages most of the community. No more.) 37. Hot Buttons for Perishables 38. No Flying Straight to Missions (This makes the game feel too linear and guided. Let us make our way to the locations on our own.) 39. Interactive Load Screen (Astro said it, I don't understand, either.) 40. Splitscreen 41. Sidequests (TONS of these) 42. Exotic Bounties have their own section in the inventory 43. Player More involved in story 44. Radio (Like in Fallout or SR4) 45. Fighting Venus's Dragons! (And the Moon's Birds! Okay, I get that those are probably just satellites.) 46. Dead Ghosts Give Stat Boosts/Points, etc. (We need an incentive besides a trophy/achievement) 47. Message Board in the Tower for Forums (Let us view the forums in-game!) 48. Monthly Added Story Missions + New Area for those missions (Areas could simply be blocked off until FREE release of mission) 49. New Raid Every Two Months (This is do-able, right?) 50. See K/D rate while inspecting players (Players can change who can see their K/D) 51. Compensation Items for Maintenance/Server Problems (Example: One Strange Coin for Each hour of inaccessibility) 52. More Areas on Earth Besides Russia (Japan, anyone?) 53. Traveler creates new "mini-planets" for some story-related reason (It could be included in it's waking process? One new planet every four months?) 54. Option to Join Exo Stranger's Side (It seems like we're on opposing sides, anyway.) 55. More Info on the Exo Stranger 56. Actual Survival Mode (Send forth the Hive) 57. Main Story Altering Events (take up to a month or two) (everyone's involved and helps affect the game. I figure this one will need clarification.) 58. 1v1 PvP/Private PvP sessions (challenge other players or teams from other clans) 59. Cross-Platform (Come on, we know you can do this) 60. "Skyrim-Like" Leveling System (Skill Trees and everything. Including Prestige) 61. Dual Wielding Skill (There's nothing I like more) 62. SWORDS! 63. Better Items Purchasable with Marks After Faction Ranks of 3 (We need more incentive) 64. Higher Mark Cap 65. Customize Armour Shaders (purchase and choose the three colours) 66. Assign Armour Shaders to separate pieces of armour. (Ex: Green gloves with red helm) 67. A Hair Stylist/Barber/whatever you would call someone who cosmetically tampers with an Exo's appearance 68. Ability to make purchases/receive bounties and mail in the companion app's Tower map. 69. More storage space in the vault 70. Can carry a larger amount if shaders and ships in inventory 71. Explore (at least some of) the Last City! 72. More (non-preorder exclusive) Ghost cases! 73. Trading items of equal rarity. (This would solve the problems of charitable people handing over exotics to new players and people getting exotics that they can't use for their class) 74. Class items give stat boosts and are upgradable 75. Race-exclusive factions 76. Races have different stats and/or abilities 77. Choose sitting position (female vs. male seems a little sexist) And that's pretty much all I could think up. Feel free to suggest things for me to add to the community-made list, everyone! Sorry if my random caps bothered you, I had something going and then it got weird. [b][i][u]Poll Question: Do you mainly agree with this list?[/u][/i][/b] To help get these ideas get more recognition in the community, please bump this and/or my other thread on it (! Thank you everyone for the strong support and excellent suggestions on the community-made list! Click [url=]here[/url] to see the awesome community-made suggestion list! EDIT: So, I've been really busy lately with relationship issues, finding a job, schooling, etc. Sorry for neglecting everything lately. I promise to get on this once I'm caught up with my own life. Thanks for understanding! Keep those brilliant ideas coming!

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  • These are good ideas and all, but they're really unrealistic. Maybe in the next game or so but I think the majority of these features won't be added. Some probably will but if you expect all this to be added, you're asking too much.

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    3 Replies
    • Good post

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      • Bump

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        • Wow! Can't say I really disagree with any of those. BUT, that would take too much time and work to throw into this game even thru 9 iterations and the expansions. However, they need to do something since other companies are getting the bugs out of their offerings for next-gen and I'm looking forward to the end of Q4 2014-Q2 2015 for better games that will make us say Desti-what?

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        • Double bump #liveforbumping

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          • Good morning bump..

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            • BUMP

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              • Get on this Bungie PR Team, its your job to communicate for us.

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              • Add this idea How to make leveling up more fun dynamic and unique. Buy, sell, trade, upgrade, loot, collect drops, fight, pillage, and patrol to level 30 rather than ascendant shard hunt every damn day. The plan: Patrol missions should yield more than just marks and we should be able to "farm with a purpose" ....Let me explain. One of the more interesting parts of any good MMO is the species and character specific drops. These drops are then used as special building items for special gear. I remember guild wars using the giant troll drops for very specific high rated armor. Without defeating the tough to beat trolls you didn't have the right parts to upgrade the armor. In Destiny This is very vaguely and basically set up through ascendant material and helium etc. but nobody enjoys loot hunting and ascendant shard hunting is repetitive. My idea: take the collection type patrol missions and allow us to keep what is dropped (coils etc) in order to upgrade a very specific upgrade on your armor. Or send us on a target patrol mission to collect a very rare item used for upgrading your sniper rifle. Or have each bounty yield something interesting needed to upgrade. The harder bounties yield better upgrade material. Vault of glass could also yield insane upgrade material or trading materials. I would love to have every patrol or mission or enemy yield something different that in itself is important to someone or something somewhere. This is already seen in the bounties for certain exotic weapons (collect 10 fusion rifle orb parts defeat 200 enemies in nightfall) Developing ways we can "go to work" to acquire things that aren't just purely random (blue drops and the chance at gaining ascendant shards) is a great way to make the game fun. The main point: I spent countless hours developing a farming technique to defeat those overpowered trolls in guild wars because I knew I could either sell the items for cash to buy better stuff or use them to make armor then sell the armor for other upgrade material, or upgrade armor and wear it myself. I went to work. I had tasks I made for myself. I had so many things to do because every enemy dropped something different and every task yielded something unique. I was able to level up in more than one way because I found ways around simply buying better armor. As it stands in destiny the only way possible to level up beyond 26 right now is through ascendant shards and simple loot hunta. We are being pigeon holed into one way of gaining levels and it feels repetitive and I feel forced to play by the rules. Giving us multiple tasks and multiple ways of upgrading our gear through patrols and bounties would make me feel less walled in. I want more to hunt for more reason to go out and defeat 1000000 vex. We could even use the gromoire ranks as an item counter. Each 10 kills of a hobgoblin would yield a single hobgoblin fusion core that is needed for your sniper. Defeating 3 walkers yields walker gears needed for your boots. Anyway these are my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

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                3 Replies
                • Bump....bump...bump Bump Bump nowwww. Bro add to the list " a bigger fireteam to explore any planet" 3 is enough for the missions but come one its supposed to be an open world game we should be able to explore with all our friends

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                  • Trade in several rares of the same weapon type to get a single exotic of said weapon type. You have to do this for pocket infinity so why not for others exotics as well?

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                    • Temporary buffs in the crucible to add like a 20-30 second elemental over shield to you too make elemental damage more useful. They could spawn at random in random places like heavy ammo but no announcement. Maybe making it a random drop from killing enemy players to avoid camping spawn spots. Oh and for shits & giggles an 8bit side scroller shooter minigame for the smart phone companion app staring a fallen drag kill hordes of give vex and the occasional guardian to redeem himself, grow his arms back and become an Archon priest.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by varxtis: 10/6/2014 3:22:09 AM
                        Bump. I don't know about everyone else here, but I've been emailing this post to as many people I know who play destiny requesting their support on the poll and their participation on contributing feedback and ideas. I just hope everyone is doing the same. It may be just hopeful wishing… but I think if there are enough polls with precise suggestions like ScottGallifreys post (btw, is that a Doctor Who reference for the newest doctor?) then maybe Bungie might legitimately take some of these issues/suggestions into consideration. Tell everone you know to participate in this poll.

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                        4 Replies
                        • I concur to most of your points. Hoping to see the feed back make some changes. Other wise I have had my fill. Lots of good games comming out soon it will take something epic to keep people playing

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                          2 Replies
                          • Yes! Bungie, basically what we want is more content. The reason there is so much talk, hype and yes, even whining, is because we wont just be satisfied with average. You think there's this many suggestions over a racing game or shoot em' up? NO. You know why? Because we, The Destiny Players, know how much this game could be and we will strive to get it at that level. This is practiacally uncharted territory and its exciting for you, for us and we cant get enough. THAT is why there's posts like these.

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                            • That's a damn good list! And ghost voice packs would be great. Wouldn't mind a female voice for my ghost. And that goes for PvP too. I'm not a fan of Shaxx...

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                            • Sad part is 60% if all this stuff was supposed to already be in the game but hey, at least we could buy it all later... Right?

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                              4 Replies
                              • I would love to see faction based wars on the different planets. Like epic scale pvp but on the actual patrol maps. Some could be planned and u have notice ahead of time others would be a surprise. Winning a certain number of these would put that faction in control of that particular planet and potentially give buffs or bonuses for however long u control that planet etc. And it would populate the world with faction armies and bosses hostile to other factions. And more of a tie to a particular faction so u can't just instantly change. Like a reputation system the more u do u gain favor but switching decreases favor with other factions.

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                                • YES PLEASE THE WHOLE MOFOING LIST

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                                  • BUMP!

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                                      • Bump

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                                        5 Replies
                                        • Nice list. Thanks for making it. I definitely want the Sparrow racing. I wish there was a way to quickly switch between weapons in the same tier. For example switching from a Hand Cannon to Auto Rifle or Shotgun to Sniper Rifle. Perhaps they could even limit the quick swap to 6 total weapons and use left on the D-Pad to quickly switch. I'd also want the ammo left in each magazine or gun to be saved instead of reset when switching.

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                                          • How about an actual story

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                                          • The fact that there's that one percent of people that actually think Destiny is fine the way it is, is spooky.

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                                          • We'll bungie here's your chance you wanted the community to help out with this game Then here you go Become legend bungie

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