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Edited by Revan Darkside: 11/9/2014 10:43:52 AM

Free DLC/patch to fix story petition

Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself. That's meant to make people happy? Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer (joke), none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. This free DLC/patch should redo the story, making it worthy of the people that brought us Halo. Proper cut scenes that tell a true story, maybe even a twist in there. The Awoken queen recognising your race and responding to you appropriately, not just calling you "it". None of that "I'll explain later" rubbish, a real story that gets to your soul. Bungie owe it to themselves to grip us with a real first episode, to a game that is meant to be around for 10 years. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison [u]might[/u] take notice. [b]Just to make this clear, I am asking for the story to be fixed. Not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all saw was in the game before the cuts. That can only come as a free DLC or patch, if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story, that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]". That is what we thought we had bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes things clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b] I do have theory why the story is so bad and nondescript. My theory is that it was written by deej. You know the guy that gives nondescript answers to every question? That's all I can think of as to why the story is so bad, it's deej's fault. As it can't be Bungie can it? They brought us the original Halo and the emotional Halo Reach, remember the end of that? Truly an amazing ending, Bungie did that. They couldn't of written this Destiny tripe. Seriously watch this.... This is more gripping than the whole of destiny.[b][u] So basically Bungie advertised a roast dinner with all the trimmings and gave us a pot noodle instead.[/u][/b] This links above and below strongly support all I have been saying, please read or you can find it on another feedback page. Deej do you care to comment? Also this from one of the leads of Bungie I personally love the part where he talks about Destiny not being a MMO, it's more of story driven. Edit - changed title as even though I explain what I was asking for, some seem to be confused.

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  • Edited by maaronscott: 10/4/2014 12:27:15 AM
    I don't agree. It may be far from perfect, but Destiny (as it is) is more than worth the price tag. You could do a hell of a lot worse. Furthermore, it has already been supported with a free plug-in in the form of the Vault Of Glass, and Bungie continues to support it with Events. They haven't been the best at communicating their intent, but they've done a lot to support the game following release. Petitioning the company for free content is a bad idea. It puts the company in an awkward position in relation to their community because an expectation for them to act on the petition is put in place, which it is not in their best interest to do. Realize that the company is for-profit. You may not like that, but it is the truth. Bungie as a company values your input as a consumer. Though the individuals working there may strive to create a game they're proud of, Bungie as a company is interested in the bottom line. So long as Destiny is profitable, they will continue to support it. Free DLC is not profitable. I assume that since you're asking for free DLC, you don't consider Vault Of Glass DLC. Whether it is or isn't is irrelevant to my point. My point is that based on what you've written, I'm led to assume that by DLC, you mean a fully fledged Expansion. For free. That is asinine if you consider the amount of budget and man hours that go into production of such content. It simply cannot happen, and if it could, it would mean either releasing The Dark Below for free, or pushing back their release schedule to accommodate a free DLC since hundreds if not thousands of people have already pre-purchased The Dark Below. Both of those answers to such a petition as you propose alienate the people who have already invested in the December release window. Thus, serving Bungie a petition puts them in a losing position either way. Either they alienate you or they alienate those who have already invested in the future of the game. Finally, I would like to address your calling Destiny a beta, as well as make clear my thoughts on the game so that you do not think I am simply overzealous about this game with my statement. Destiny is VERY flawed. From a lack of compelling characters to having no motivation for pursuing the plot, the story is an utter mess. Having said that, the lore found in the Grimoire is intriguing, and a strong foundation on which to build a better story. As far as game play is concerned, Destiny is impeccable. Everything works very well with the exception of a few questions of balance, and it handles very nicely. It can be a little bit repetitive, but the same can be said for any game if it is played long enough. Where it is lacking is in objective variety. Vault Of Glass answers this very well, but the core Story is very repetitive in its approach. Finally, its accessibility could be improved upon. Constant NAT issues should be addressed to the best of Bungie's capabilities, bearing in mind that sometimes the problem actually is on the user's end. Beyond that, chat options and improved matchmaking functionality would be very beneficial features to implement. In spite of these flaws, however, I can adamantly say that this is NOT a beta. It may not be the game you or your hype desired, but it IS a complete game, and at the end of the day, countless people are still playing it for hours at a time. Thank you for your time and consideration in reading this response. You may rebut my opinion on this matter if you so desire, but please do so in a considerate and respectful manner if you expect me to acknowledge your rebuttal.

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