Logic is flawed. Their expansions added to an already complete storyline......
We didn't even get a full story to draw us in & motivate us to get any future ones.
Vanilla WoW hardly had a complete storyline. Burning Crusade did better at a self contained story within the lore. Lich King, the second expansion, finally felt coherent, story wise, and very well implemented for the most part. I stopped playing during Lich King, so I can't comment on Cataclysm or Panderia. TOR obviously felt more complete because the vanilla game main story wasn't about the universe, but each class had it's own story. The subsequent expansions have gone in a much more general universe setting. Still, even in vanilla WoW things like Zul'gurub and AQ (with the complete revamping of the unfinished Silithus zone) were added. BC saw Sunstrider Isle. LK had the Argent thing. TOR has added planets and dailies and such. I do agree, though, that Destiny's story is severely lacking, with very little cohesion and no feeling of even moving towards a resolution. Which is why I feel new zones and quests should be added, pre-expansion, to try and help flesh it out. Trying to force everyone to pay extra for more story, when the story paid for feels more like an excerpt from a prolog won't endear Bungie to the people who have bought the game and feel let down by the story. But, at the same time, we can't expect everything to come out for free, either.