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10/3/2014 2:02:08 AM

We need a grouping interface. Period.

I'll start by saying I love the game. Definitely not one of the haters. I just can't believe that a game with so much multiplayer, co-op content doesn't have a grouping tool of some sort. We have matchmaking for strike playlists and the crucible- that's great. But all of the other meaningful content is best played with a group. We can't chat in game to find people who are looking to do the same strike/raid/heroic/etc. we could randomly join a fire team of someone on our friends list, but who knows if they are even looking to do the same content. So we are driven to a site like The interface is nice, and why something like this is not included in the game, I do not know. It absolutely should be. I haven't heard any response from the devs indicating they intend to fix this. Sure, you'll let us chat in non-fire team matched groups in the future, but that doesn't solve the issue that we are having trouble finding groups in the first place. And the most infuriating of all, is the fact that while we have been forced to used third party resources to find groups, we are then at the mercy of the Playstation network, which routinely bugs out and doesn't allow friend requests to go through. This is an awful design flaw. A major tool for finding groups in the game is compromised and Bungie has absolutely no control to fix it, as the best grouping mechanisms are outside of the game (which is absurd). Give us a lobby of some sort. Where we can see missions in progress and jump in to a weekly heroic that hundreds of people are probably trying to solo. Anything at all would be nice. Really. Please consider a fix for this- it would enhance the experience SO much.

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