originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
My schedule kinda sucks. I'm only available 9pm-12am (PST) every night. I'm having a hard time finding people with the same schedule for weekly events, nightfall and raids. Please leave a message below or ad me. My GT is SPDRmnky117. Thanks!
I'm usually on late night PST....Usually after 10pm. I need someone to help with weekly heroic! My titan is only 26, so nightfall might be a reach for me. I need strange coins!
This is when I'm usually on (minus Friday nights). I understand, since I have such late hours doing the VoG is proving difficult for me.
Im normally on around that time depending on the kids going down. If you see me kicking around im normally down for a strike, im tring to get some queens missions done.
We missed having you on the raid boss spdr. Couldn't quite get him.
Hey, I'm usually only on until about midnight est. On weekends, and the odd weeknight, I am on later. If I'm on shoot me an invite and we can shoot some stuff together. I'm up for any of the stuff you listed.
send me an invite if you see me. GT JhunA266