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We all know and if you didnt,
The max glimmer one guardian can carry at one time is 25000.
But what if you dont want to spend that 'G' on no skank ass hoe or those Nike's you've been eyeing up since christmas and want to save your dough for something actually worth buying, then check this.
Bank any house banners, codex or other glimmer making objects in your vault and call it investment.
Optionally spend 10grand on Rahool's cryptarch weponary for deciphing to raise your cryptarch level and EXPLOIT your consumable ether seeds, blue polyphage etc etc
Best of luck
Another great reason to spend glim. is to buy those syntheses. Even the primary comes in handy when attempting that awful nightfall strike. [i][quote]aim for the dick[/quote][/i] [i]NS Archer[/i]