we have 5 clans in our alliance all of which have a group wall message in my inbox that I cant leave/delete even If I deactivate the wall
Repro Steps:
1.) log into bungie,net
2.) click on message
3.) no option to delete/leave conversation appears in browser.
in app get error message " cant leave conversation you dont own" when trying to leave conversation
Result: inbox full of messages from group walls that arent being used
Expected Result: empty inbox
being able to delete these messages, or have them not appear when group wall is disabled would be the ideal result.
as a side note being able to delete or giving admins the ability to delete messages off the group wall would be a nice addition.
OS:windows 8.1 & android
Browser: chrome and destiny app
Are you running add-ons/plug-ins?: no
Admins can control what happens with the group wall. You may want to check that out. The issue is seemingly being looked into. This is not its final form.