If you could take Activision out of the creation of destiny but leave bungie in it... Who would you put in Activisions spot?
Why the hell is a Developer (infinity Ward) up there?
The Umbrella Corporation
-blam!- rockstar 1 year later and heists aren't there
Microsoft but without a whole bunch of limitations just the ability to let them do it how they want, within regulation of course
Cyberdyne Systems.
100% independent.
Microsoft. They let Bubgie do their thing in the past.
Square Enix
Bethseda seems the obvious choice to me.
No one. Bungie could've done this stand alone and we probably would've seen what they actually had intended for a release, not what came to pass. I still have hope for Destiny to rectify something I have no doubts was tarnished by Activision... They have until The Division comes out, so I may end up getting invested with their DLC regardless.
All activision did was supply the funds and set the deadlines, the crappy story and copy/paste missions are on bungie
Edited by DjNormal: 10/1/2014 4:51:27 PMRemember Activision is a publisher. The poll options and many of your suggestions are developers. Either the OP thinks Bungie should work/merge with another developer or you guys missed the point. Publishers are all about money, so it really doesn't matter which publisher you think Bungie should have worked with, they would have hammered them about deadlines, user appeal and money. Yeay capitalism.
I see everyone's logic with Bethesda. However that would have been redundant. The only reason its lacking so much story is because Joe left when Activision kept stonewalling him. My other comment would be "whoever they wanted after they Kick started it and got the funds from us". Then it wouldn't have mattered who produced it, that company would be presented with a more or less complete game and clear evidence of a fan base screaming for it. Even if it had been Crap-tivision at that point, it would not have turned out as bad because they wouldn't have had anxiety attacks over whether a game with this strange foreign concept of "story" would sell. So, yeah short version: other, Kickstarter.
More bungie.
Hell, maybe a rich billionaire investor who just wants to help a game company to make a game how they want it and support them on their decision and shares their love of games, not wanting to water down the vision with garbage. Yeah yeah I know, pipe dream >_<
If it doesn't need to be a game software corporation, I'd say HBSC - slippery they are. Would probably say deep silver for an actual publisher. Anyone who lets Saint Row run crazy is willing to take some awesome risks.
Nestle I think the problem Bungie faces here is approaching Destiny [i]as a video game[/i]. As a cookie things could have gone much better.
A Dog.
Edited by MaDness202: 10/1/2014 6:14:04 PMNinja theory!!!!!!!. They were the developers behind "enslaved, odyssey to the west" the new "devil may cry", "heavenly sword" and a few more i cant be bothered looking up. Each game especially enslaved had a decent story. Even DMC a hack n slash button masher had a decent story\plot. Would love to see what they can do with this game.
Neither infinity ward or rockstar are game publishers. They are game developers so you can't choose either