We need to have the ability of sending a clan invite directly. The current method of sending a group invite and then waiting for the person to realize they have to then send a request to join the clan is a dumb mechanic.
It seems a no-brainer to add invitations under the admin tab. Conversations already access the admin's friend list, so why can't admin invite members directly via conversation?
Day 27 bump. I am like the energizer bunny, I can keep doing this everyday...
Bump again
Day 26 bump.... sigh
[quote]We need to have the ability of sending a clan invite directly. The current method of sending a group invite and then waiting for the person to realize they have to then send a request to join the clan is a dumb mechanic.[/quote] We could fix this issue right away but we would rather try to fool you there's more content or spend our time nerfing shit in pvp. We hope you enjoyed your purchase and the feel of bungie's collective penis deep in your anal cavity.
the clan system doesnt seem to be working at all. Unless I'm just ignorant of how it works. I sent out invites to my group, but when I check the pending status, no names show up. Are these folks just not getting the invite? How do they know they have a pending invite? Do they even receive a notice? I dont understand whats what in all this. Either the system is broke or its design is faulted
22 Days and still no change.
It has now been 20 days with no word of a fix. I am sure this is a simple web fix.
We need to improve communications. This is a good idea. Count me a yes vote.
Friday night BUMP.
Yup, they need to make it clearer if not easier, that's for sure.
Great idea!
All game mechanics concerning clans are welcome. We need this. I vote yes!
Yes, they failed at this. Fail or Win; there is no Try.
Friday morning (third Friday) bump..........................
I totally agree. Let's work on a more robust invite mechanic please Bungie.
Thursday night bump.
Second thursday bump. Still not fixed, Still no word.
Wednesday bump..... a bump
Second Tuesday bump.
Friday morning BUMP
Day number 7 and still no reply or fix from Bungie. It isn't like this is a game fix, It is a web page fix. Lets get on this Bungie..
Come on Bungie, are you looking at feedback threads? I know it won't get fixed in a day but it would be nice for acknowledgement.
Start of the new week bump.
End of the day bump.