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Edited by aboniks: 10/1/2014 4:51:26 AM

Clans - rosters - leadership removed - why u do dis Bungiekins? No love us anymoar?

Can we [i]please [/i]have our clan administrators and founders visibly returned to the clan rosters, Bungie? I know you thought you were streamlining things, but it didn't help anyone to remove those people from the roster and stick them over on the side of the screen. It's hard enough to organize anything when we can't mass mail our groups and clans, and we have to look at individual profiles to see what someone is called on their network so that we can connect as friends, but having to keep separate threads manually updated with the forum and console contacts for each network just so people have their admins in their friends list is a gigantic PITA. let us see everybody in the clan rosters at a glance, including the admins let us distinguish what gen they are on let us see what account we need to send a friend request to on our console This is basic information required for us to play together. Let us have it in the roster.

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