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9/30/2014 2:35:06 PM

PvP does not reward good performance! This is a problem!

I can understand a random loot system in PvE to an extent but I would still advocate a higher drop rate for those who performed better. However, in PvP it makes no sense at all. Where is the competition if at the end of a match we all have equal chance of getting rewarded? I might as well run around like a headless chicken, running into walls if I can get a legendary engram for getting 0.2kd. There's not even any bragging rights for doing well as there is currently no PvP ranking, leaderboards or cosmetic rewards for high performing PvPers. Bungie needs to do two things to help foster competition in PvP. Firstly we need increased chance of getting good gear or materials for the top players for each team and the winning team. Secondly we need PvP ranks and the option to make a static PvP team with friends that can compete against other teams for rating and this rating can transfer into PvP ranks which should be publicly displayable. Please let me know if you agree or if you have any other suggestions to fix this problem.

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  • Just play against invigorate get -blam!- and enjoy your well deserved exotic

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  • Just got hard light for going negative :3

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  • Bragging rights in a video game? No one cares kid.

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  • Teammate on salvage yesterday got Hawkmoon on my first match in on Valentines day; Warlock account I swear to GOD. I lead us in kd against titans spamming last words and he goes .29, with less the a week playing time and gets THE MOST COVETED WEAPON IN GAMING HISTORY I've been stalking prey on the low since drop. And this performance warrants HAWKMOON Worst-blam!-ingfeelingever

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  • Also has been, this is bungie's great idea.

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  • Yea rng should be in pvp to a point but not exotic wise that should be top three player thing or somthing idk what they were thinking

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  • If the top players are always rewarded then why would they ever need to PvE?!? The exceptional PvPers will just grind in the Crucible all day! Stop being jelly that a noob got an exotic. It's RANDOM!

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    3 Replies
    • That makes another problem in itself where "the rich get richer" and "the poor stay poor" so either way you lost potential balance

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      1 Reply
      • I totally agree I am mostly in the tops three and I rarely get good gear compared to people who have done shit in the match get exotics. I have had people be afk from half the match then get 1 kill before the game finishes and they get items like the gallahorn or other exotics. I personally think they should make it so people who are top get better chance of getting better gear then people who have done bad in the match so like the 3 bottem players in the match should only get blue items because it clearly isnt rewarding good players enough

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      • The only competition i get is when me and 2 friends go to rumble together and fight it out. Most fun ive had in crucible

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      • Maybe if you come top three you get a XP boost increased marks and strange coins as well as a lottery ticket this would be better

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      • Trails of Osiris will be more for pvpers since it rewards consecutive skirmish wins I.e. Exclusive cloaks shaders emblems and the fate of all fools exotic scout rifle which he avg player may not achieve.

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      • Dont give a damn about loot, i want a ranked system!

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      • Participation trophies ... PC gone mad

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      • Bro , it is a match , your participation buys you a ticket to the end of the match lottery. When it ends you either get something or you don't . It is an EXTRA bonus that exists . It is not reward based , skill based , anything based , ONLY an ongoing , low stakes raffle . That's all it will ever be . As soon as the day arrives that you (not you in particular , but in general) accept it for what it is , the sooner a good bit of frustration will cease to linger at the end of these matches. Besides, most people don't get anything worth of value anyways. Have fun my friend... Best to ya...

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      • Yeah I got dragons breath on my Titan after setting my controller down and getting bottom of the leader board.

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      • You're looking at it as though IT IS A REWARD SYSTEM!!!! It isn't a reward system, it is a lottery for taking part in a PVP match, it's as simple as that. Every time you enter a PVP match your character is given a digital lottery ticket (the prizes are random pieces of loot) at the end of the PVP match everyone's 'lottery ticket' is rolled and winners are randomly picked then awarded loot. If you want a better system they should just have loot drop from players in the crucible like it does in PVE, no one would see if you got loot or not yet everyone would have the chance at earning loot based on the same constructions as it is given in PVE. If you fail to pick up the loot in the match you're playing then the loot can be collected from the Crucible Quartermaster when you return to the tower, like loot does with the postmaster in PVE. People need to stop looking at PVP loot as rewards, because it is not!!!!

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        5 Replies
        • Bump

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        • *All of This

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        • Yeah having a lottery instead of a reward system is completely nonsensical and fails to foster good play.

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        • The reward system worked for me I played crucible was at the top of the leaderboard and got rewarded with the last word

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        • Bump

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        • Yes, this system pisses me off to no end.

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        • Agreed. I see kids scoring like 600 points in control games and getting the best drops. I mean I understand that you can get some randomly but I get so much stuff I already have or have dismantled 1000 + times. Same with vanguard stuff

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          3 Replies
          • Bump - Bungie please fix this.

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            5 Replies
            • I was fine with the rewards system because I didn't really care because everyone was getting shit until last night when in my crucible match i went 26 - 4 and received an uncommon, our team lost. I was the #1 player on my team yet the guy who was 4 - 12 whom was 2nd to last got an exotic?!? This needs to be corrected because now I don't want to play crucible anymore because the rewards are so unbalanced.

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