So for all the people complaint a class is op or better than the other.. I've played all at Lvl 28 and no the hunter is not op, actually the warlock seems to be the most op, anyway.. Getting off topic. Imagine this... Have a cinematic fight scene kind of thing, showing the warlock in the air high up shooting his super, (they call them supers for a reason.. The arnt op.) so right before it hits a Titan, the Titan puts up his shield and is totally fine. Paper beats rock.. Then show the hunter use his blade dancer and run into the bubble and kill the Titan. There's scissors.. I think that's be awesome to watch. And guess what? Rock beats scissors.. Because a warlocks super will instantly kill hunter in his. And the cycle goes around... What do ya all think?:)
No the void bomb will kill everyone in the bubble. But not affect it.