I will keep it short
My hunters not too far along yet but what I have seen so far is hunters are poop in PvE, double jump sucks, and blade dance still wrecks in PvP. havent done gunslinger but i know the deal. triple jump (still worse than glide) and 3 free kills for your Major mobs or a few poor bastards in crucible. and the invis thing sucks, unless youre playing against people with glaucoma.
Played someone elses titan, they seemed decent enough at both. titan strike or whatever is irritating in pvp, kills a ton of shit in pve, and they have the defense bubble thing (in my opinion is just useless and annoying) but still pretty good at both
Warlocks are probably the best class in the game, as both subclasses crush life hard in both pve and pvp.
also vote what you think is best.
Edited by JHarv: 1/6/2015 2:58:54 AMall i hear is bla bla bla hunters are the master race and we're all mad
Yes hunters suck -blam!- em
Nice ass huntard
I feel pve blade dancer is very sub part however gunslinger with chain of woe and the other one makes that class absolutely insane.
Blink and triple jump. Only class that can step off the edge and hit that double jump to get back up ;)
[quote]...invisiblity thingy sucks...the defense bubble thing (in my opinion is just useless and annoying)...[/quote] Moron
Hunters rule I have 2
I never tried out Hunter (doesn't fit my playstyle) so I can't comment on its effectiveness in PvP or PvE. I started out with a Warlock and actually liked playing it until I made a Titan. After that my Warlock just sat there lonely and unplayed until I finally deleted him in favor of filling my character slots with Titans. I love using a Titan, I'll never stop using a Titan, and I really don't care what people think about me having 3 of them. It fits my playstyle, I don't get bored, and since I have 3 I can max my light level fairly quickly with a prayer or 2 to rngesus. All classes have their pros and cons and none are easier to master than another. If your playstyle is all offense, go with a hunter. Warlocks are an all around class. And Titans are your support/meat shield class that can still lay the hurt on.
My hunter is awesome, haven't got a team for crota yet, but he doesn't struggle with anything
If you were actually skilled at the game then hunters would be no problem. Hunters are the best class the teleport although takes a minute to get used to is amazing, ever teleport through phogarth? Bladedancer is indeed amazing and comes in use not just in pvp but also pve. We also dont rely on just our super we cant resurrect so we also just try not to die and we dont have a shield to hide behind. We like to get in their faces maybe youre just too much of a pussy and should picka different class ;)
Hunters are easily my favorite of the three classes, and yes, I have played as all of them.
Edited by Wolverine: 1/5/2015 11:56:30 PMIf you hate the hunter it is probably because you are a warlock trying, trying to be a hunter and failing. Triple jump can be very useful. I messed around in patrol and double jumped with a sword and spammed the melee button. When I got too low I hit the third jump and it kept me going longer.
Edited by OhShiRandi: 1/5/2015 11:55:27 PMLol @ the amount of "which class is better" polls that are necro'd in one day
IMO, i played as a lock during alpha, titan in beta, and had all 3 at release. I think its like WoW with this bullshit trashing of other player types. In WoW, certain classes are easier to learn or easier when confronted or attacking/comboing. Same applies to destiny IMO. Locks can do distance damage with spacemagic but hurt you up close as well. Titans can support teammates or tank for a team, depending on subclass. Hunters are like the Rogue class in wow, you have to master the abilities to do as much as the other classes TLDR: IMO Warlock-easy dif Titan- easy/med dif Hunter-med/hard dif
You obviously aren't playing a hunter properly then
The Hunter class hands down takes the most skill. Hunter classes don't rely on abilities as much as a Titan especially Warlocks. Before everyone jumps on this I'm just stating an opinion all classes have their pros and cons.
I like my hunter the most. I get mad when I have my warlocks super and hold onto it until I die. I'm good at the game so it just sucks holding onto a super lol Titans are cool. I like the bubble, but kinda the same issues with the warlock. You can spam bubbles, but I make sure I use it when it's needed. Hunters, Golden gun errthang lol
Hunter invis saves lives. Golden gun clutches it. Titan striker is almost useless. The flashbangs make them some what viable
Hunters are actually a challenge
actually it goes like this: 1. hunter 2. warlock 3. titan hunter is very good just admit it the only reason you are saying this is because you want other people not to be hunters and be titans or warlocks so you can kill them in pvp. Hunter is op just face it i know it is your opinion and yes i kinda agree about pve although it is about strategy you can't just play a class blindly you have to know what you are doing in pve it is a great class if you know what you are doing stop hating on it because your class isn't as good
All classes have positives and negatives but the hunter is the overall worst probably
Edited by Jaw Nail: 12/25/2014 10:08:13 PMWhy are locks always hating on hunters? We get thralls and supplicants off your asses in raids.
Honestly I had all 3 classes and I prefer the hunter. I actually deleted my max sub classes titan to make another hunter. The differences between each class are subtle. It's about the player behind the controller. I don't know why there is so much hate on hunters. I personally like the speed of the hunter. That said there are aspects of each class I have enjoyed.
I play all 3 classes but Hunter i find the most fun, everybody will have their own playstyle though.
Hunter master race. Only the best accept the challenge.
Triple jump. All I'm going to say