I will keep it short
My hunters not too far along yet but what I have seen so far is hunters are poop in PvE, double jump sucks, and blade dance still wrecks in PvP. havent done gunslinger but i know the deal. triple jump (still worse than glide) and 3 free kills for your Major mobs or a few poor bastards in crucible. and the invis thing sucks, unless youre playing against people with glaucoma.
Played someone elses titan, they seemed decent enough at both. titan strike or whatever is irritating in pvp, kills a ton of shit in pve, and they have the defense bubble thing (in my opinion is just useless and annoying) but still pretty good at both
Warlocks are probably the best class in the game, as both subclasses crush life hard in both pve and pvp.
also vote what you think is best.
The Warlocks and Titans have a defensive subclass, which I prefer using. I don't like using my hunter for he doesn't have a defensive subclass.
"And they said I was the worst." says the Hunter as he walks away from the Abyss, the only survivor. Seriously, it's all situational. Hunters are great in Crota's End, but fall short in VoG. Warlocks, while the greatest class in VoG, are not as good as Hunters in Crota's End. Titan's have supplied a very important role in both raids. While not the greatest class for either, Defender Titan's are very useful. A raid team of all three classes would be recommended. In just regular story mode, I prefer Bladedancer, just because it has a very high damage output and you just shred through those missions anyway.
Hunters I would agree maybe be underpowered but they aren't the worst, golden gun if your halfway decent at aiming can be used so many way for pvp like taking out ppl who just got heavy or just going on a rampage, and the throwing knife used with the perk that allows it to burn let's u reload when facing an enemy that regens Health or their sheild, blade dancers can go invisible to escape a mob and regen health, or when u blade dance you use to to slash away or go crazy with mass killing. There isn't a worst class, some may be more over powered or underpowered, but it all depends on how you use them
Gunslinger's Trance maxes stability of a gun with chain of woe maxing the reload. These perks even make the necrochasm usable
I don't think one class is the best at everything. I would say pvp is hunter > warlock > Titan. Pve is Titan > warlock > hunter. There are situations though in both pvp an pve where classes shine.
You mean warlocks are the worst class. Hunters are the master race. Get it right next time.
You are very wrong
Can someone explain to me what I'm missing with the warlock please? I got him upto lvl 31 and I just feel underwhelmed by it. Dies too quick (even if playing smart) and his abilities don't seem all that good to me? I feel like I'm in the minority when I say it, yes I main a titan, so please don't judge too harsh. If someone could explain what makes the warlock any use whatsoever (bar self res or solar grenades) ill level him upto 32.... P.s not a hate post.
Do u even shoot in pve?! The hunters perks help u so much in pve its crazy ppl never talk about them The jumps are fast & get u to any place quickly with little hang time avoiding extra damage. Floaty humps are horrible & a waste from using them Insane reloads, quickdraw on all guns, increased stability, high agility/fast movements, etc. whats wrong with any of these? They allow u to keep a high pace & deal constant damage.
Who the hell still uses double jump lol
For me: Sunsinger is the best/easiest "fighting class" in that you can take on lots of people in both PvP and PvE and still fair quite well (revive, flame shield, grenades, missile Melee distance and radiance) Bladedancer is the best survival class purely because of health regen, Bladedancing and invis Gunslinger is the best for adds purely because of the gun perks and GG is a quick mob clearer. Voidwalker is close second but it lacks the toughness of GS. Striker is pure PVP rage... Defender is the best team player class in the game...
You don't know how to Hunter very well... Fairly certain it's the class that's most described as "OP"
Some ppl aren't good with hunters just like other aren't good with titans or warlocks, I for one can drive a warlock for the life of me but that doesn't mean warlocks suck. Its all about them player and how the use the class.
Hunter is by far my most effective, Warlock is in it's early stages but is easily #2.....Titan, aside from the panic-super, I find it so clunky and actually the most vulnerable without it's super, great grenades but when you have none and enemies around you, you literally have no options but to try shooting yourself to safety because the jumps are slow, and melee puts you in melee range with very little lunge to it. Hunter has exceptional evasion skills with it's controlled double jump or Blink. Warlock's Melee skill is the unsung hero of the class as you effectively push back, stagger opponents without getting in melee range of them.
Who necro'd this stupid -blam!-ing thread? What is up with these -blam!-ing forums?
...let's look at it closely, shall we: - Warlocks are selfish brats who keep their SUPER to themselves, when it suits THEM and THEM only - Titans are insecure kids trapped in a HUGE body - ...while Hunters are actually the ONLY class who has the guts to go out there and actually kill stuff w/o having to rely on TONS of Armor, a SAFE Bubble or having a second life ....but i have only typed the above since the posts like yours one are really getting old (well, at least for people who have been here since the start anyway) in fact, i like all 3 classes since they all have something to offer to the team, it really only comes down to how well you can pay this or that class, i also have all 3 and my ideal Nightfall team will always be Titan/Hunter/Warlock ,....as they work GREAT together ;) overall tho, i would say Titans are the most straightforward to use (i.e. easiest), and mind you this is coming from a someone who's had 400+ hrs played with Hunter before started a Titan, then it's probably Warlocks being the second "easiest" Hunters are imo the hardest class to master, as they're the most fragile with ZERO "defensive" abilities
Hunters can do this.
Started as warlock go to lvl 32 both subclasses made out starts a hunter lvl 31 now I'm like wtf why wasn't I hunter from start.
Hard mode Crota. I'm a 31 and the only Hunter. Everyone else is 32 Titan / Warlock. Guess who made it through the abyss without dying? Go sit down.
It's personal preference I guess. I love my Hunter and I hate my Warlock. I believe triple jump s**ts on glide/float/fall/whatever it's called. With golden gun set up right a hunter can take down a heap of mobs. Arc blade might not be much good at ultras but at least you can use it to pick up dead team mates easily.
I wouldn't say they are the worst class. I would say its easier to die. Takes more skill to play the hunter,rather than run around not caring about being hit. I'm talking pve I'm not a big pvp guy for destiny. I have all three classes lvl 32 and I enjoy them all.. Hunters arm or is just blah
I am more of its the player not the class type. I use all 3. My raid group uses a mix of the 3, usually 2-3 locks, 1-2 Titans, and we always have 2 hunters for sword in case one of us goes down. We can usually clear the hard raid in 30-40 mins with one run on deathsinger and crota as long as nothing glitches... That being said, my hunter is my favorite, followed by warlock, then Titan last, just because defender is kind of boring. I like both classes on the other two. I usually run hunter when I play pvp and usually hold my own with it....