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originally posted in: Proof that Bungie cut content
9/29/2014 6:05:38 PM
Unfortunately, the one thing you are comepletely missing, is that you didn't BUY Destiny. You bought a license to play Destiny. You do not own any software related to Destiny IN ANY WAY. You are a user, you are requesting to use Bungies software, at a price that YOU paid willingly. If you were to actually look at the box in which your disc came, you could be able to read the agreement you entered in to, when you opened the box. Have a look, it's right there on the back. That being said, you are not owed anything. You are simply surprised that you did not know how these things actually worked. Software is rarely sold as a full product (outside of open source), it is sold as a license. The software on your computer and phone, you are renting, you do not own those things. The fact that information is on the disc, yet is not available for use, means nothing. Consider for a second, that the first DLC was never intended to even be a part of the initial release, and was simply finished prior to publishing. That does not consititute "cutting" content, as you were never intended to use that part of the data. Because people have found exploits within the code in order to access parts of that data, also, means nothing. The bottom line is simple, you own nothing, you pay to use. Period. Now, for everyone complaining about having to pay for DLC in order to access that data, get serious. The $60 dollars you have invested in Destiny to this point, is less than a tank of gas where I live. Fifteen dollars is just about a pack of smokes, and a couple monsters where I live. Most of you pay around $100 dollars a month for your smartphones, another $100 for you cable/internet package, and that is before you even leave the house. Dropping a little cash on some DLC, which you were going to spend anyways, isn't breaking your bank. Or, if it is breaking your bank, don't buy the damn thing then. You people act like everyone owes you something because you are a special and unique snowflake. Truth is, nobody owes you anything, and Bungie has already given you your $60 worth. Get serious people, the conspiracy theories are getting a little out of hand.

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