ok first i leveled this thing up except for the defense upgrades with ascendent energy. I mainly use sun singer and i mainly collect discipline/intelligence and i have the 2 grenade mod on seems like i get my grenades pretty darn often because by the time i have 1 and im not using it another is already cooling down so by the time i do use it the other one has had some cooling down already. Now, getting this piece from the exotic engram from xur i was like sweet sounds like i can use my grenades more often in voidwalker class. seemed like a grenade heavy build. untill i got to leveling it up and.... im not impressed my Regular legendary helm is 50ish int 50ish dis and has a melee speed boost which compliments my gloves which cool down my grenade per melee hit. I throw on the skull helm and notice its ALL int. which takes away from my grenade cool down so maybe the energy drain boost will make up for that! NOPE its barely noticeable. so what am i doing wrong here? i have the extended energy drain and all grenades triggering energy drain mods on and still the sunsinger class out-cools down the voidwalker. sure i get a int boost for my super but. the dps just isnt the same.
in the end. honestly this helmet seems like it would benifit more if it was ALL dis instead of int. because the better energy drain effect is not worth the dis loss and lack of a faster melee to grenade cool down. so two things might fix it all discipline or even greater energy drain boost.
anyone else have a go with this sweet looking helm? any thoughts?
I'm just like you, I got this helm this week from Xur. I leveled it up to get the bonus effect but I still don't really understand what it does. I speced just like you but I can't see the helms effect working. I just don't understand voidwalker and the energy drain effect, I alway play sunsinger and this helm just doesn't seem good enough to make me want to switch.