I recently have been having problems with my nat settings on my network. I have port forwarded, change my IP address, dmzed, and then tried hooking up the ps4 Ethernet wire to my modem(where my ISP) comes in to which it says it's restricted still. My ps4 is hooked up ethernetly to my router. So it's not my router messing up. I have my connection with my ISP entering into my room, going into a modem where it separates the input and output which the output goes to my router. I've heard of this being double bridging so, what do I do here? It's really annoying on psn because a majority of the people I try to raid with can't hear me due to my nat. Xbox and Pc doesn't have that much of a problem, but it's really hampering my communication and overall experience.
I'm a level 29 titan PSN Cassiuss_clayy Join super smash guardians http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/152599 for tips,tricks and easy match making in any game type we have 35 active members right now Only thing needed is a microphone!
U miss the Open NAT option