> Does not care anymore
> Types a paragraph
Pick one
> Is not a conspiracy theorists
> Lists at least three conspiracies in said paragraph
Pick one
I'm not really sure at what point you thought this was a debate. I only enjoy intelligent debates and that's not possible with you. This is simply me trolling a troll, and doing it [b]quite[/b] successfully I might add.
When you go on a thread and reply to every single person disagreeing with you calling them a sheep you are simply a donkey.
Dammit i mentioned god there goes the 4th conspiracy theory
Edited by Apolloshot: 9/29/2014 8:56:00 AMD) Assumes anyone who doesn't believe in the same thing they do is a liberal atheist. Next you'll be accusing me of trying to take your guns. Oh by the way, when referring to God it's technically insulting to use a lowercase g. Anyways this was fun and got me through the commute home. It's 12 hours ahead where I am, which means it's about 5 am there. You should probably quit while you're ahead champ and go to bed.
You seem to assume a lot aswell. Its 4am which means i still have 5 hours till i get to go home. I will be at it if it takes forever and i dont care lol did god tell you to capitalize the g in god
No, rules of grammar taught me that... Also at what? What exactly are you "at forever?" Being a donkey?
Destiny give you any ideas on how to change the world?
Ill reply forever you ass
No, no, no you have it backwards. Sheep's aren't asses, donkeys are.
How do you change the world while playing videogames most of your time?
Did you actually reply 4 times after I had clearly left the conversation? That's just sad man. Funny, but sad. Also your assertion that someone has to have no life to be good at a video game is also really funny. Guess I'm just efficient enough I can do better then you can in less played time.
Just stop lil guy
Can't, I'm part of the Illuminati and my goal is to discredit you because you've figured out our secrets.
I dropped out of elementary cus of recess. Too many games
I dont want to but i make myself do it because i really dont want to give you the satisfaction. You are a huge hypocrite if you are the type of people who are trying to make a change out there god bless us all
Lol damn you sure do change the world