My squad of six spent nearly all afternoon working to beat Vault of Glass. My squad got through the confluxes, the Templar, the maze, and got to the final portion. We just beat all three Gatekeepers, and then BOOM! "Lost Connection."
7 1/2 hours of progress wasted. "CATERPILLER" and "CATTLE" errors are plaguing this game. I haven't been able to get back on Destiny since it booted me twenty minutes ago. I feel sorry for those who would attempt the raid. You better be built up, cuz Bungie connections may boot you. Bungie says they have no ETA on when the patch is coming to resolve this issue... well they need to, and quick. I know I'm not the only one this happened to. This game is great, when it works, which seems to be between half and two-thirds of the time. Other games are due to drop, and Destiny won't have this spotlight forever.
Nw if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna keep getting denied by the server until my Xbox blows up from the repetitive epic network failures or I lose consciousness.
If you're taking 7 hours on a raid, you deserve to get disconnected. Just level up a bit more for the sake of the people you're playing with tbh.