So, information about cut content have been leaked and users on Neogaf have posted this.
Apperently a persons game glitched and allowed him to see all the content as locked, including the content we're not "allowed" to see yet. Like the DLC missions, Strikes and Raids.
I quote:
[quote]The first DLC will include 4-5 missions, 2 strikes(one on earth, one on Mars), 1 raid(on Moon) and 3 crucible maps.
Second DLC there is less details but I assume again 4-5 missions, 2 strikes, and 1 raid(which takes place in the reef)[/quote]
Where all of this is on disc but have to be unlocked by buying the Season Pass/DLC.
So, there you have your proof. Bungie have cut content from the game and locked it for us to make us buy their Season Pass.
In my opinion that is a very cheap move.
Opinions/Further discussions?
Please bump this thread as much as you can to spread the truth.
Further proof that most of the DLC is already on Disc. (From Neogaf)
[quote]Originally Posted by HykCraft
Sorry if this was already posted... but here you go:
Expansion II is only 9.5 MB[/quote]
Link is working again
Picture of it if it would go down again:
KICHZY posted a interesting video:
To the people defending this.
How are you okay with this kind of stuff? Content being on the disc that you [b]bought[/b] but can't use because they will sell it to you [i]again[/i] in the Expansion Pass.
This content should/already is in the game but is locked.
People saying we're jumping to conclusions, that these areas are not even close to being finished and all that.
Thing is.
Since the areas are already there(some with enemies) they could have easily have included them in the game.
These areas were already in as far back as the alpha. Which means they had plenty of time to actually finish it all. (If they aren't already finished and Bungie are just waiting to release the rest of it to the people with the expansion pass)
These missions and areas should/could have been in the final game but were most likely cut to be sold later as DLC.
The areas already in the game proves this by showing us areas that are locked where they probably later only will unlock the missions for those areas. As stated in Edit1 "Expansion II is only 9.5 MB" which most likely is just a "key" to unlock the on disc "DLC".
Looking at the lack of content Destiny have right now it could have used this content on release instead.
Seeing that this thread now have about 380 replies(and still going) where the majority are either upset or angry at Bungie for doing this thing, maybe Bungie should address this in an official blog post and update us on how it actually is.
Is this DLC content on disc which needs a bought "key" aka expansion pass or will this later be released for free like the Iron banner and Queen's Wrath events?
Bungie, take a look at your fanbase/community, more than half of them are disappointed in the way you're doing business with Destiny.
A reddit post going over everything that changed with Destiny over the last year:
Same post but on
It goes through everything that was in the game before release but later on got taken out for DLC or removed completely.
The Xbox Expansion Pass link is up again:
I have a picture too:
lavaman2302 posted a link to the ps store showing us the same explansion.
[quote]Also check this out!/en-us/games/addons/destiny-expansion-i-the-dark-below/cid=UP0002-BLUS31181_00-DESTINYEXPNPACK1?emcid=ps-ga-872&utm_medium=Paid_Search_{ps}&utm_campaign=Games&utm_source=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-872&utm_content=Brand[/quote]
Pictures of it:
It says 6.9 MB on there. Also a very small download. Most likely a "key".
They promise us "New Story and Cooperative Areas to explore" but we all know those areas aren't actually new lol
Plenty of people have already been in them.
Quote from Neogaf worth reading:
[quote][quote]I highly doubt the devs just cut complete shit out to sell later.[/quote]
And that's probably what they want you to think. You'd be surprised what kind of crap they'd spin. Cutting content out of a game and then randomly blasting it into the market in pieces as DLC is profitable, so they'll do it. It's easy for them.
We have no evidence to suggest they aren't doing this. I'm much more inclined to say this is exactly what they're doing based on what we're seeing.
Thank god I didn't buy into this game. Pulled out last year when i realised what they were saying and what they were showing just didn't match. The $500m gave me a good laugh though. What a waste.
But hats down to Activision, it all worked perfectly. Expect other companies to follow this trend. The future is bright![/quote]
wazzanut wrote a reply worth reading:
[quote]Its like paying to get into Disneyland and then being told you have to pay extra to ride the best rides. People who dont complain about this place less value in money and self respect. I like the idea of releasing content over time to help keep things fresh but theres hardly a main body to this game, it feels like an empty introduction to an empty world. Its like halo leftovers and its starting to smell funny... Repeating missions over and over should be proof enough to the lack of content, its been a while since i felt a little screwed over by a game.[/quote]
Another area have been found, now by Nowise10:
As you can see it is everything is done in this one as well. All Bungie have to do is release the mission files and that's the DLC for ya.
Note that Nowise10 states that this is the 2015 DLC mission.
I mean, a 2015 DLC that already exist in the game. That is pure cheapness.
So, the area Nowise10 found a way into have been in the game for quite some time.
This is a screenshot from a trailer released on E3 this year in June.
Would you look at that?
So this area have been in there since atleast E3...
Another finished looking DLC area on disc have been found:
Now a strike in the Black Garden area.
As you can see it is a big area where you can't go because of this big energy wall, but with a sparrow you can go through it and enter the DLC area.
Another DLC area found by Corbman.
This is the Traitor's Ketch mission in the 2015 DLC.
Is you can see, everything is working as it should, it just needs enemies.
Once again, a new DLC area found by Corbman.
This is the area for the raid on the moon.
Confirming that this also is on disc and only needs enemies to be added.
I know no one cares anymore so I will probably stop updating this now. Since, I don't really care anymore myself.
I've given up on Destiny and will move on to better games.
You guys are retarded for defending them. Think of one time when you bought an item in a package, does it come with "Dlc" that is already in the package? Do you buy a movie only to find out the second half has to be unlocked by paying more even though it is already on the disc? No, even if it is a bad movie, you still receive the full content that was already there. If those type of shit is not okay, how would this be? Hey look! You bought a music album, but wait, only half of each song is unlocked, please pay for the other half of each song. Does retarded stuff like that even happen? And even if idiots like you guys are right, are you saying that giving you free content is a bad thing? If it was made and in the actual game playable, then you should have the right to it without paying for more.
this is extremely sad... I love all the jokes about bungie/activi$ion selling us half of a game for full price... but deep down inside it kinda burns.
Edited by SIlMPLlClITY: 9/29/2014 4:24:38 PMJust to throw this out. This proves we will never get free content. We will only get free events with repetitive missions
This is what the game industry has become, and we have no right to complain about it because we all contributed to this. anytime we bought a dlc for a few maps in call of duty, any time we paid for micro transactions, anytime we sat there as watched other do it and said nothing about it. its gave every publisher the green light to make even more money. do i blame them? a little bit, but most of my blame falls on all of us as gamers for letting this get so bad in the first place. how can I blame of company for making money in a practice we have already deemed to be alright?
Really i Don't give a damn. We live in the age of dlc either buy it or Don't.continued game development and server infrastructure has to be payed for. I'm Not saying i like it totally, but i like it much more than an ingame shop. I'm enjoying destiny every bit as much as i thought i Would. So thks for the heads up on the dlc it sounds great and i can't wait . Your buying a product ,your not entitled.
1) Menu items do not prove that all content was finished and in the game. 2) Our expectations in video games have changed over the years. We expect better looking games, better mechanics, more realistic AI, etc. At the same time we don't want to pay more money. The cost of a game has sat around $60 (USD) for years while inflation happens every year. Special Edition Games and DLC counter the increased costs of developing what players want out of a game. An MMO styled game that features some expansion packs but no subscription fee is fine by me. I've had hours of fun with my friends and I'm at ~$1.75/hr of fun. I haven't done the Vault of Glass yet, or played the DLC. 3) Bungie themselves have been very active with the community. The community means a lot to them where their update posts will have jokes in them, they'll announce when and where they'll be playing, fix bugs/glitches/problems pretty quickly considering the time it takes to properly diagnose/code/release patches. 4) Destiny in no way lives up to the hype that built up around it. The story is fragmented and too short. Grimoire is nice but I shouldn't have to go to it for more story, or at least access it easily from in-game. Grinding for upgrade resources, completing bounties, doing patrol missions all lack variety and get old with time. 5) You're all pissing and moaning about how the industry has shifted and yet you're all clearly supporting it buy buying and playing these games...This loops back to my first point.
This practice is extremely common. Note: I AM NOT defending it as anything other than the blatant money-grubbing it absolutely is, but Bungie wouldn't be the first nor last to do this. All the SF4 editions, CoD series, so many more. Rare is the actual brand-new content these days. Most typically the first two waves of expansions - at least - are on the disc we originally buy, then unlocked later. I want to say the Borderlands games did this too, but not sure on that. Oh - the Batman Arkham games totally did it, IIRC every DLC was a 100-kb unlock code. Again, it's blatant monetization of what would otherwise be a complete game, but expressing shock over this or acting like it's some kind of unheard-of thing is frankly just silly. This is the norm, not the exception. It's crappy, but it is to be expected any more. It's going to take someone really trailblazing and releasing several high-profile high-sales games with all DLC free to really turn heads in the industry (if even that). I believe SFxTekken had all free DLC, but it didn't make any waves. If Bungie had done it, and Destiny was a wild runaway success, it might have had impact. With Activision's involvement that was never a possibility, as Activision is known for a greedy business model.
I bet destiny 2 and 3 will be the same way and the comets will be the only pure dlc
The reddit posts talks about the Bungie employees leaving. Regardless of the official "reasons" it makes sense the lead story writer would guit when this idea was green-lit. I'm not a Halo fanboy. I quit gaming about the time Halo got big and got back in a couple of years ago. But my guy says Bungie made an incredibly rich, engaging game and Activision decided to chop it up into 3-4 money making opportunities.
Personally, I think the DLC will be a mixed bag. Some will be content already on disc, but I'm giving Bungie a little bit of slack in still hoping that the small 7-9mb expansion file sizes are actually keys that then trigger a bigger download from the servers in-game, similar to how the initial game install worked. If Bungie actually releases currently restricted content that is on-disc as free progressive expansions (i.e. Kings Watch, etc), then I'm ok with that. If it ends up being strictly "paywalled" content, then sure, it's a bit of a rip-off, but they got my $ and 50+ hours of my life already, so I personally am not going to waste energy crying over it. Caveat emptor.
That's disgraceful. If this is true then Bungie are losing a lot of reputation with me by doing this sort of thing. Shameful.
The number of people okay with this is exactly why it's been going on for awhile and just going to continue to grow. Consumers in general are far less picky than they used to be (or should be) and are all about instant gratification. Who cares if we're over paying or it loses it's usefulness in a fourth of the time? Fact is we are over paying for these games. We're satisfied with far less content in a 'full game' and usually very little content in add ons. It may not always work that way, but I find it funny that most DLC are 20-25% of the cost of the game and about 5-10% of the content in comparison. Yes, businesses are going to do everything they can to make as much as they can. And yes, it's been like this for years now, even if people didn't always notice. Neither of those are justifications though, which is what most people turn to. Consumers need to be aware they're getting screwed and that they have the power to change that. Possibly with very little effort. Write a letter/email/post. DON'T buy something. Get a refund. Hell, just go make a hashtag on Twitter. It adds up. They can't get rich without happy customers. And when making money is someone's top priority, they're probably going to want happy customers. (Look at two major changes to XB1 for instance: Disc copies of games and not required to be online 24/7. Of course, some would argue the disc games screwed the consumer by not allowing more money to go to the game developers etc., and sustaining vulture businesses like Game Stop)
Wow after reading all this I am shocked/speechless
They could have started working on that but have not come even close to finishing it for release because they were working in the game first. That is not proof of anything other than the DLC is being developed.
Bungie is a company, companies are in this world to make money. This sounds as a good strategy to me.. If you don't want to spend more money on Destiny don't buy the DLC content, simple.
Bought the legendary edition, DLC came with it... This is invalid and I don't care.
This does upset me a lot. Not just knowing that we got screwed over for money, but the fact that content, hard work that bungie has put into this game have just been ripped right off. But honestly I don't believe they cut up the story for the sole purpose to sell it as DLC later. I believe it was due to time constrains. This could explain why out of the whole development time everything changed on the last second, Bungie realized it could not be finished in time. And you know, the whole Activition thing, I would highly doubt Activition would have been ok with delaying Destiny. It just saddens me, I would have so much rather have have Destiny delayed.
Bungie - developer - cares about making games Activision - publisher - money You all should know by now that activision is behind this micro transaction -blam!-ery. As it is in their Call of Duty franchise. If you seriously oppose this then DON'T BUY THE -blam!-ING GAME
Every company does this with every game that has DLC, do you actually think that they write all of the DLC after the game is launched? do you know how long it takes to create this kind of game and its DLC's? Bungie likely has both DLC's finished and has a team working on the content after that while another team makes changes to the already finished DLC before its release. This is no different of a process for any other franchise. We are getting screwed on content on every game and have been ever since they created DLC. But on the other hand they have to fund the continuing changes the servers and everything else that takes money to keep a game like this running. This is not a secret. It may be a revelation to some of you and I'm sorry your discovery of how these things are marketed is bothering you so much. It is what it is.
Welcome to Subscription Free MMO's where instead of a monthly fee you pay directly for content. This is just another thing for the ungrateful and spoiled internet to bitch about. Most people will get at least 20 hours of entertainment out of this, considering 3$ an hour for entertainment you certainly have your moneys worth.
It wasn't Bungie. It was Activision
I think the question that should be asked is why. Why did Bungie push the game back 9 months when the original release date was in March and Beta in January of 2014. Why show a game that was almost complete, rip it apart into an incoherent mess, and then release it? My answer: Activision.
Wow really? Do your Research. Bungie didn't cut out anything. They don't decide what gets sold when. That's Activision pal. Bungie is a developer, they develop a games content, not sell it. That's the publisher's job. Bungie isn't the problem. It's the money grubbing Activision worms that want more money for in game content. Destiny isn't the first game to have this done to them.
Well I preordered the limited edition for the extra stuff it came with and also the expansion passes so I don't mind
Are they semi censoring forum?
Idc if they locked the content. What I do care about is how well the story sounded a year ago, and how terrible it is today. I was thinking "It's a bungie game, the story has to be good." But man, was I wrong.