So, information about cut content have been leaked and users on Neogaf have posted this.
Apperently a persons game glitched and allowed him to see all the content as locked, including the content we're not "allowed" to see yet. Like the DLC missions, Strikes and Raids.
I quote:
[quote]The first DLC will include 4-5 missions, 2 strikes(one on earth, one on Mars), 1 raid(on Moon) and 3 crucible maps.
Second DLC there is less details but I assume again 4-5 missions, 2 strikes, and 1 raid(which takes place in the reef)[/quote]
Where all of this is on disc but have to be unlocked by buying the Season Pass/DLC.
So, there you have your proof. Bungie have cut content from the game and locked it for us to make us buy their Season Pass.
In my opinion that is a very cheap move.
Opinions/Further discussions?
Please bump this thread as much as you can to spread the truth.
Further proof that most of the DLC is already on Disc. (From Neogaf)
[quote]Originally Posted by HykCraft
Sorry if this was already posted... but here you go:
Expansion II is only 9.5 MB[/quote]
Link is working again
Picture of it if it would go down again:
KICHZY posted a interesting video:
To the people defending this.
How are you okay with this kind of stuff? Content being on the disc that you [b]bought[/b] but can't use because they will sell it to you [i]again[/i] in the Expansion Pass.
This content should/already is in the game but is locked.
People saying we're jumping to conclusions, that these areas are not even close to being finished and all that.
Thing is.
Since the areas are already there(some with enemies) they could have easily have included them in the game.
These areas were already in as far back as the alpha. Which means they had plenty of time to actually finish it all. (If they aren't already finished and Bungie are just waiting to release the rest of it to the people with the expansion pass)
These missions and areas should/could have been in the final game but were most likely cut to be sold later as DLC.
The areas already in the game proves this by showing us areas that are locked where they probably later only will unlock the missions for those areas. As stated in Edit1 "Expansion II is only 9.5 MB" which most likely is just a "key" to unlock the on disc "DLC".
Looking at the lack of content Destiny have right now it could have used this content on release instead.
Seeing that this thread now have about 380 replies(and still going) where the majority are either upset or angry at Bungie for doing this thing, maybe Bungie should address this in an official blog post and update us on how it actually is.
Is this DLC content on disc which needs a bought "key" aka expansion pass or will this later be released for free like the Iron banner and Queen's Wrath events?
Bungie, take a look at your fanbase/community, more than half of them are disappointed in the way you're doing business with Destiny.
A reddit post going over everything that changed with Destiny over the last year:
Same post but on
It goes through everything that was in the game before release but later on got taken out for DLC or removed completely.
The Xbox Expansion Pass link is up again:
I have a picture too:
lavaman2302 posted a link to the ps store showing us the same explansion.
[quote]Also check this out!/en-us/games/addons/destiny-expansion-i-the-dark-below/cid=UP0002-BLUS31181_00-DESTINYEXPNPACK1?emcid=ps-ga-872&utm_medium=Paid_Search_{ps}&utm_campaign=Games&utm_source=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-872&utm_content=Brand[/quote]
Pictures of it:
It says 6.9 MB on there. Also a very small download. Most likely a "key".
They promise us "New Story and Cooperative Areas to explore" but we all know those areas aren't actually new lol
Plenty of people have already been in them.
Quote from Neogaf worth reading:
[quote][quote]I highly doubt the devs just cut complete shit out to sell later.[/quote]
And that's probably what they want you to think. You'd be surprised what kind of crap they'd spin. Cutting content out of a game and then randomly blasting it into the market in pieces as DLC is profitable, so they'll do it. It's easy for them.
We have no evidence to suggest they aren't doing this. I'm much more inclined to say this is exactly what they're doing based on what we're seeing.
Thank god I didn't buy into this game. Pulled out last year when i realised what they were saying and what they were showing just didn't match. The $500m gave me a good laugh though. What a waste.
But hats down to Activision, it all worked perfectly. Expect other companies to follow this trend. The future is bright![/quote]
wazzanut wrote a reply worth reading:
[quote]Its like paying to get into Disneyland and then being told you have to pay extra to ride the best rides. People who dont complain about this place less value in money and self respect. I like the idea of releasing content over time to help keep things fresh but theres hardly a main body to this game, it feels like an empty introduction to an empty world. Its like halo leftovers and its starting to smell funny... Repeating missions over and over should be proof enough to the lack of content, its been a while since i felt a little screwed over by a game.[/quote]
Another area have been found, now by Nowise10:
As you can see it is everything is done in this one as well. All Bungie have to do is release the mission files and that's the DLC for ya.
Note that Nowise10 states that this is the 2015 DLC mission.
I mean, a 2015 DLC that already exist in the game. That is pure cheapness.
So, the area Nowise10 found a way into have been in the game for quite some time.
This is a screenshot from a trailer released on E3 this year in June.
Would you look at that?
So this area have been in there since atleast E3...
Another finished looking DLC area on disc have been found:
Now a strike in the Black Garden area.
As you can see it is a big area where you can't go because of this big energy wall, but with a sparrow you can go through it and enter the DLC area.
Another DLC area found by Corbman.
This is the Traitor's Ketch mission in the 2015 DLC.
Is you can see, everything is working as it should, it just needs enemies.
Once again, a new DLC area found by Corbman.
This is the area for the raid on the moon.
Confirming that this also is on disc and only needs enemies to be added.
I know no one cares anymore so I will probably stop updating this now. Since, I don't really care anymore myself.
I've given up on Destiny and will move on to better games.
These guys should work for the Canadian Government lol they tax our pay cheques and then tax everything we buy with that pay cheque. Double dipping at its finest.
Asa I love the game... But some don't. Can you shed some 'light' on your feelings toward these negative reviews and feedback? Sure. Bungie thrives on feedback. Never feel like you need to stick up for us when you see someone expressing an honest opinion about our games. We’re harder on ourselves than anyone else. yep that's right bungee pretty much says they welcomed negative feedback
While I do not agree or like the fact that this was done. It speaks more to the state of the industry than anything else. I don't believe that I have seen a AAA game come out that didn't try to bundle some kind of season pass. the fact is that as long as we keep paying for content (which sadly I will) they are going to keep selling it separate. Just be happy that the gunsmiths weapons aren't all $.99.
I agree with you. Bungie cut content from the game. You can just tell. But I doubt bungie was the mind behind it. They got in bed with activision and now they gotta listen to them. But in still disappointed in them. They need to stand up for the fans and give us what they promised us for free. And the sad thing is they promised us "no loading screens". No there isn't. But we just sit here and watch our ships fly. If they would have let us do free roam in space this game would be 10x better.
Scumbag bungie
Edited by DevlFIG: 9/29/2014 5:05:54 PMWell, this is crappy. No way to treat customers...
Stop whining ffs. This game is supposed to last for many years. I will gladly pay for the dlc so that they will have more quality and substance. Haven't you been satisfied with the content so far? They will also continue to add stuff, FOR FREE, as they have said numerous times. Also, for practical and stability reasons the content must be in the discs from the start. I guess it's not uncommon among other game producers, is it?
Lol fair okay to all these people trying to reason with you shame they don't realise that anyone who makes a post like this is thick
Only those who were a part of the design discussions and decision making within Bungie really know the answer. The view that Bungie has "cut" content to create the DLC is only one angle. Another angle is that they may have decided from the beginning that they wanted DLC content available and scoped out size requirements for that DLC. Bungie has always delivered DLC with their Halo games (though always geared towards multiplayer). To deliver a fully developed and quality set of DLC shortly after the game's release, it would have to ship with the game - there would not be enough time to test and fix issues with approximately 10 missions, 4 strikes, and 2 raids in just a few months, especially if you hit some major issues that would risk missing your release date. From a distribution perspective it would be preferred to deliver it with the disc for an easier/better end user experience. My experience with destiny is that it delivers $60 worth of gameplay content. That may not be the case for story though. I'd like to think that Destiny was a well written story split up across multiple titles. Based on the above links and rumors, if true, drastic changes in story can explain the disconnect. Sounds like the changes may have been influenced by Activision, marketing, and/or politics. While I'm not disappointed in the story (I don't expect much with FPS games), I can't say that it is winning me over like Halo did. I'm not of the mind that Bungie owes me anything, except from a service perspective: to make the game playable (i.e. few game bugs and server availability). That said, as story is the key issue many people have, my view is that Bungie needs to deliver a full and well thought out storyline (even if it is a side story) with the DLC. This will restore faith in Bungie's storytelling in some, and as a result will help boost sales with Destiny 2. A long drawn out story always has shorter storylines - that's how soap operas have survived for years!
Great .... Some stupid guy actually try to defend their purchase ... Why bungie ? Why ?
Hey!!!!!! HEY!!!!! [b]HHHHEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] .....what the -blam!- is a that some kind of reputable news organization? or some place where unnamed people spout out unfounded "facts"
Offtopic, this thread has soon reached 600 replies kek
The first sign was having a douche like Deej as the community manager. The final blow is this. I may be finally leaving these forums after 11 years.
wtf bungie, seriously? It's clear to me now that you value profit over your fan base, as any cold-hearted international corporation would. Well bungie, do you know what happens when you lose your fan base? Diminishing returns. How much "DLC" will it take for destiny to "become legend?" I thought better of you. I was wrong.
I remember that scene in the trailer where the awoke queens brother had a gun pointed at you and said something. It looked cool but I didn't see that in the game? Check the trailers u know what I'm talking about
Great post, and thanks!
If they did cut it out would you have rather bought a $100 game with all the content right away or $60 game in which you have to by dlc later?
I've been selling crack since the 5th grade, never gave a damn what the shiit made, JahJah showed me how to flip packs and maintain. Get thAt money and spend it on the same thing.
Nice to see ppl finally see what I've been seeing for ten years
That is simply hearsay. There is no real proof that the cut content is actually the DLC. I know you have all these sources but they explain little and the same thing over and over again: Cut Content, rumors, and conjecture. I need proper proof. If a Dev or ANYONE from Bingie cna conform this then it may merit a second look. But as it stands all of this is useless and serves as fuel for the anger we do NOT need.
Cut content? Or prepare for the future?
Bungie is not the first to do this, almost all games with DLC are just double sales of what would have been original content. In fact, Bungie used to give free DLC for halo 3, just like everyone else, until they realized people were willing to pay money for free things.
I glitched into kings watch in alpha using a sparrow. not much there level wise. did it again in beta, more was added but looked incomplete. did it again after launch and more was added but STILL looks incomplete. Which means expansion could work as a patch not just a key
You guys are retarded for defending them. Think of one time when you bought an item in a package, does it come with "Dlc" that is already in the package? Do you buy a movie only to find out the second half has to be unlocked by paying more even though it is already on the disc? No, even if it is a bad movie, you still receive the full content that was already there. If those type of shit is not okay, how would this be? Hey look! You bought a music album, but wait, only half of each song is unlocked, please pay for the other half of each song. Does retarded stuff like that even happen? And even if idiots like you guys are right, are you saying that giving you free content is a bad thing? If it was made and in the actual game playable, then you should have the right to it without paying for more.