Have you read your Grimoire Cards? They're filled with little snippets of lore and guardian legends and stories. It would be awesome to see some of that applied in game. But, these are a nice consolation prize. I just love them.
Have you found any notable Grimoire cards? I know I'm gonna be on the lookout for more Ghost Fragments. ^_^
EDIT: I just found a warlock card talking of the Ahamkara aka SPACE DRAGONS! Guys, not to get your hopes up but I think we may be seeing these beasties in the future.
Ahamkara. Hindu word for "attachment or identification" of one's own ego. When your a baby, all you are is ego. Everything is about you. You cry for whatever you want. So when they talk about ego, they mean you being selfish. It's the reason the warlock in that grimore was being cocky. With that said. The ghost basically helps convince you, the Traveler you hold so dear to your heart is the reason the darkness came. Therefore, the traveler is the darkness. Read these as if there is a lesson to be learned. The grimore is more about character than plot. But that's bc the plot unfolds as you play.