Hi All, This is a clan which is just a bunch of mates who are trying to bring the community closer together.
It doesn't matter if you're level 9 or 29 as long as you're will to try playing with new people in your clan.
Our clan is based in Melbourne, Australia. This is where most of our players mostly play, BUT if you're from outside of here that doesn't matter! Grab some other friends and just join the clan, Who knows who you could meet while playing with clan mates.
[b]To use the clan tag, Make sure you "Set As Xbox Clan" or else you will not get it.[/b]
So before you try any other clan have a look at us the MachoMates.
Add me on Live. Need more online mates in Australia. I'm a Dutchie, been here (in Melbourne) well over 3 years. Time difference is just too much to do Raids with my mates in Holland.