I don't know about you guys, but I'm literally bored to death of doing the same strike to kill the Fallen Walker, just to find out that [b]the kill did not count[/b]!!!!!! I was stood about 10 yards from him pounding him with an autorifle, grenades, machine gun, etc - and the kill hasn't counted [b]THREE TIMES IN A ROW[/b]
What is this shit
Personally I've found that the public events are better for this bounty. I'm not sure about the killshot thing since we've done it in a fire team and all got it at once; and in the same team one person on another go didn't get it. I'm more inclined to believe it's a 'feature' (I use the word feature rather than bug, because I'd have Bungie to single me out for using that word and personally nerfing my engram drop rates and bribing Cryppie to rip me off further). Anyhow - the public events give you a chance to get Ascendent stuff even if they do stiff you on the kill. My 10p's worth.