There's nothing else to do, so much for a $500 million game.
-Horrible RNG loot system
-Repetitive missions
-Duke Nukem has more story than Destiny.
- Crucible rewards are pathetic
-Bungie doesn't care about fixing stuff
-All bosses are bullet sponges.
-Servers are always kicking people out.
-The community protects this game like if it was Jesus.
- Doesn't have social communication at all.
-No single player
5/10 so much improvement needs to be done.
Some of those complaints are just ignorant misrepresentations. [b][u]"No Single Player"[/u] [/b] It gets the majority of its inspiration from MMO's genius and was advertised as a MULTIPLAYER ONLY game [b][u]"Duke Nukem Has more Story"[/u] [/b] Then clearly you did not read the Grimoire cards. [b][u]"Bungie Doesnt Care About Fixing Stuff"[/u][/b] This is probably the biggest piece of BS I have seen so far in this entire forum. They have already released two hotfixes and released Dev Notes to show what the upcoming patches will be addressing. If you are gonna try and post alot of BS then at least try and make sure it sounds true or that you are not speaking to people who know better.